Fixed bug where the Butcher boss’s ability was overriding the revive effect of puppies and kitties, allowing them to transform into Butcher copies while they still had lives remaining. (Thanks Reiga)
Fixed bug that protected puppies and kitties from being transformed into Withereds when they are defeated with 0 zero lives remaining.
Fixed bug where the Hellhound puppy (after having been defeated and revived in battle) was not being removed from the board when its card is returned to the deck from resting at camp. This could result in behavior where it was possible to have more than 20 cards in deck after using the tortoise to edit the deck (which then returned the puppy and a new copy of its card) into the deck beyond the 20 card limit. (Thanks Reiga)
Improved clarity of the Roar surprise triggering by showing the attack of the unit who triggered it as a whiff after the roar animation plays out. (Thanks Reiga)
Roar now triggers even if the unit using it is Frozen, since triggering the surprise technically counts as a cast.
Spoil the Surprise now properly counters Cover of Shadows and Celestial Barrier.
Fixed bug where Dispel Magic could remove your own unit’s buffs depending on where it was targeted.
Added additional logs to the AI board sync error we’ve seen reported so we can figure out how to fix it.
Fixed bug where AI throws exception for simulating a redirect action on a surprise triggered from the Guardian Angel spell. (Thanks Segurot)
Fixed bug where Spirit Recall granted a returning Summoner 10 life instead of the 5 listed on the card. (Thanks Reiga)
Fixed bug where the player would see the "Choose a Card" prompt whenever an AI spell (such as Warp Time) resulted in the AI needing to choose a card. Instead of the AI acquiring the card they were supposed to get, the player would take it instead.
Improved controls that made it difficult to deselect frozen/immobile unit when clicking them again. Whenever a selected unit has no targets, it will automatically deselect that unit after the warning. Additionally, any unit can be deselected by clicking on it a second time.
Fixed the URL for the Official Guide button
Fixed bug where temporary cards fetched by the Hellhound puppy were counting towards your max deck size of 20 cards and preventing you from drawing new cards with abilities like Arcane Insight. (Thanks Karra_Chr)
Removed the secret max hand size limit of (5) cards that would prevent spells that drew cards from adding them to your hand. Your hand can now be as large as you want (up to max deck size of 20 cards). The only time cards should draw to discard is if adding them to your hand would exceed your max deck size of 20 cards.
Fixed bug where the Fairy Wishgiver encounter didn’t zoom the camera back out after wishing for a new card. (Thanks Karra_Chr and Reiga)
Changed files in this update