Main Change
After digging through every aspect I could possibly think of, the cause for the "Chase Squirrels" crash should be completely resolved. This was a very difficult issue to find because it only occurs on certain hardware. Now (thankfully), I believe I have located (and removed) the cause. I cannot be 100% sure though, since I have been unable to recreate the issue on my own hardware. If you still encounter the issue after this update, please let me know!
Other Changes
- Fixed neighbor's dog not hunting when loading from a checkpoint in Chapter 5.
- Significantly shortened sequences in Chapters 3, 6, and 7.
- Significantly increased the time your exploration in Chapter 7 will go unaffected by surrounding threats.
- Added clarification to commonly confusing points in Chapter 7.
I am aware that this update may not address all the issues that players have noted while playing the game, but please be patient with me as I learn from the mistakes I made during the development of this game. This is my first ever experience releasing a game to the public, and the scale (from the main campaign to the extras) is massive for a first-time solo indie dev doing this in his free time. Some requests (as simple as they may sound on the surface) may take much longer than anticipated to implement into the game due to this scale.
As I have addressed in other threads, some elements working together may cause one bug, but that bug may be preventing several others. It's something I'm trying to work out little by little as time goes on!
I will continue to make changes and update elements as I find the time. Either way, I appreciate all the criticism (as intense as some of it may be) and I am using it all to improve myself as a developer moving forward!
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Changed files in this update