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Space Wreck update for 27 February 2023

1.2.46 - Pixel Perfect Picking

Share · View all patches · Build 10650010 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Ironically, space is really precious ... in space. This is the reason why the spaceships and stations in the game are so cramped and sometimes hard to navigate. Unfortunately, the fixed isometric camera angle can make it ever so slightly harder when playing the game.

Based on your feedback, we've addressed some of the interactivity issues - basically now, if you see it, you can select it.

For example, if there are two shelves side by side, you select the back one through the hole of the first one. Or you can now stand on the same tile as some smaller container.

Empowering VR fantasy

KROGUS VR experience has been slightly rebalanced and improved. Hopefully, it'll feel better as a power fantasy now!


As usual, quite a few errors were addressed. Here are some notable ones:

  • Fixed: save scumming skill checks.
  • Fixed: SHIFT highlight-nearby objects highlight disappears if the mouse is moved.
  • Fixed: visual glitch when an enemy is knocked out in the first sneak attack.
  • Fixed: unexpected stumbles even if not intoxicated anymore.
  • Fixed: rooftops/big objects obscure player character on load.

Proofreading first area

And last but definitely not least - we've enlisted a native speaker to help with proofreading texts. In this update, most of the character dialogues in the first area, KROGUS, have been lightly retouched. Thank you to everyone who reported typos or grammar issues!

Until the next time!

Windows 64-bit Depot 1063541
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