Hello Knights!
We’re back with another update for everyone!
For 0.10, we've added some new relics, improved a few more, added another secret color, included some quality of life improvements and fixed a bunch of bugs. We hope you enjoy this update and thank you for joining us on the journey to 1.0!
As always, items marked with 🔥 are a result of player feedback.
New Content & Features
New Relics 🔥
- Red Dwarf - Third weapon attacks shoot a giant fireball across the screen
- Razor Claw - Crits now deal twice the damage
- Spell in a Bottle - Whenever an enemy is defeated, a skill is refreshed by 1 hit
- Magic Tome - Whenever a skill is refreshed, AOE damage is dealt
- Smoldering Toxin - Whenever an enemy is burned, they're also poisoned
- Trusty Wizard’s Hat - Whenever an enemy is stunned, 6 seconds of additional skill damage is applied
- Traumatic Blow - Whenever a regular enemy is stunned below 20%, they're instantly killed
Improved Relics 🔥
- Chronograph - Skills refresh quicker in every combat room, not just boss and miniboss rooms
- Empowered Bangle - Each first skill hit to an enemy deals bonus damage, not just the first skill hit in a room
- Decayed Scepter - Now, every skill hit to an enemy poisons them. A normal cast applies 1 poison stack, a charged cast applies 2 poison stacks, and a perfect cast applies 3 poison stacks
- Tainted Conduit (previously Venomous Necklace) - Poison ticks have a chance to conjure lightning
- Lethargic Brew - Now, in addition to slowing enemies, their attacks are also slowed
- Shock Troop - Increased the number of skill charges that are refreshed
- Doom Shell - Now, the Doom Shell triggers on the first perfect skill cast and not when taking damage
- Urn of Vengeance - No longer requires taking damage to release the collected souls. Now, a ghost is released whenever an enemy is defeated
New player color (and secret room...) 🔥
There's a new player color that's sure to be electrifying!
In addition to the new content and features, we’ve also made the following changes:
- Reduced the amount of enemy HP scaling per additional player in multiplayer games 🔥
- Made the snowy Nexus turn on and off based on the date
- Updated the weapon info and mod screens for 6 weapons
- Reduced the volume of music in the Mimic King room 🔥
And finally, we've tackled the following big list of bugs:
- Fixed a few bugs that were causing some scenarios where players couldn't roll-cancel 🔥
- Ember Blade’s third attack - can't roll during weapon attack
- Razor Wind's third attack - can't roll during weapon attack
- Guardian Bow's Volley mod - can't roll during cast animation
- Fixed a bug that was causing players to get stuck on a black screen before the start of the opening cinematic 🔥
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the proper button icons from showing when using different controllers 🔥
- Fixed a bug that was causing an occasional crackling sound 🔥
- Fixed a few bugs related to enemy shadows causing issues
- Fixed a bug that was moving the player during certain cutscenes due to a camera clamping issue
- Fixed a bug with the Steadfast Citadel’s minibosses where they could end up out of bounds
- Fixed a few issues where enemy projectiles could spawn out of bounds
- Fixed a few bugs responsible for players occasionally getting stuck with Knight’s Charge 🔥
- Fixed a bug with Hypercharger that was causing lag
- Fixed a bug with Rakklings and Rakknids spawning and not being able to be killed in the Skrixxa Za boss fight 🔥
- Fixed a bug with pets (Wisps, Ballistas, etc.) that was causing their death animation to not play while frozen
- Fixed a bug with Hypercharger that was allowing it to jump during certain cutscenes
- Fixed a bug that was allowing Shockers to move while spawning
- Fixed a few visual issues with The Forlorn’s laser
- Fixed a few visual issues with Barrier Pendant in multiplayer games 🔥
- Fixed a bug that would have the player’s shadow disappear after beating the game
- Fixed some minor spawning issues with various enemies 🔥
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the “Waiting for all Players” message to appear in Anville
- Fixed a bug with Ember Blade’s Fortune mod that was giving the same relic instead of a random relic 🔥
- Fixed a visual issue that was causing the transition visuals to stay on the screen after exiting to the main menu during a room to room transition 🔥
- Fixed a few bugs with seeing Arlan’s shop the first few times
- Fixed a bug that was preventing players from equipping the energized weapon skin with their mouse 🔥
- Fixed a bug with Effigeist that was causing its VFX and crystals to remain when killed during its Praxis buff
- Fixed a bug with Effigeist that was causing the gem reward to take excessively long to spawn when killed while buffed by Praxis
- Fixed an issue with the Nexal Staff and Effigeist where the staff was hitting twice
- Fixed a few visual issues with the Phantom’s VFX
- Fixed a few visual issues with the Overlord Mack’s VFX
- Fixed a few issues related to the gameover screen in multiplayer games
- Fixed a multiplayer issue where a player’s visuals would appear in the game after they disconnected from the lobby while the game is starting
- Fixed a visual issue with Lord Bruma where his VFX were playing while he was invisible 🔥
- Fixed a few collision issues with the miniboss variants in Scoggfirth
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the healing numbers of the Scoggfirth miniboss to be shown to clients in multiplayer games
- Cleaned up a few visual issues with Blast Bomb when multiple bombs are detonated
- Fixed a bug that was causing the lock icon to disappear on Ember Tree upgrades if many are purchased too quickly
Join the Community!
As usual, if you want to stay on top of the news, see new content before it's live, share your favourite memes, or simply chat strategy about the best weapons and skills, join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!
We will also be especially grateful for your feedback and suggestions during the Early Access and beyond, so be sure to join our Discord to share your comments directly with our development team!
Stay tuned for more news and updates!
Changed files in this update