Release Version 1.3.1
VOCALIZATION WHEEL - Vocalizations have been moved to a popup wheel, use 'R' on keyboard or LB on controller
CONTROLLER REWORK - Complete overhaul of the controllers input mapping, be sure to check out the setting menu to look through new keybinds for controller.
DYNAMIC INPUT LISTINGS - Buttons listed for actions will now swap depending on if you are using keyboard or controller.
SETTINGS REVAMP - Revamped the settings menu to work much better with controller and just more usable overall.
INPUT PERSISTENCE - If you use a controller on the main menu the game will now remember the device when entering the game and automatically connect it.
CONTROL SWAPPING - You can now swap back and forth between controller and keyboard with ('start'/'enter').
NEW UI MUSIC - Replaced the UI background music with something a little more lowkey
SEPERATED CONTROLS - Any settings under the 'Control' tab are now specific to that device and can be set separately.
NEW SETTINGS - Added settings for V-sync, Framerate, and Brightness to menu.
BEAR - Nerfed (lowered) the bears attack power.
- UI AUDIO - Fixed a bunch of bugs when setting UI / music audio.
RATS - Body breaks apart when grabbed.
CINEMATICS - Lake and River water flashes white on start/end of cinematics.
PACK ACTIONS - Still need to rework the AI more to make these active. "Pack Surround" and "Pack Attack" may appear as options but are non-functional.
Changed files in this update