Hey now, hope you are all doing well. We’re cracking away on improvements and additions and you’ll see quite a few of those in the 1.22 build. We’ve introduced two new and exciting official scenarios for you all to try and tinker with. We love some of the scenarios the community has already come up with. We look forward to seeing more from you as we move forward.
Improved Inventory
The current inventory system can be overwhelming for some, especially new players. The text based system has allowed us to focus on interaction and afforded us the ability to easily added in-game items. Ideally the system will eventually have a complete overhaul. For now, James has made some fantastic improvements to the general look and ease of use.
The new system replaces the massive list of uncategorized items with a simple category based option. We’ve added categories, sub categories and dividers to the inventory for easier navigation. This allows the player to quickly and visually see exactly what their backpack contains.
New inventory layout
Improved Inventory Interaction
Along with the visual improvements come an array of functional improvements. We’ve ditched the sloppy [Add/Drop/Place] button in favor of the new method we’re using on other in game interactions. Players can now left or right click on any item to bring up an interaction menu. This allows players to quickly use/drop/place or add attachments/parts quickly. These are all small improvements to a much larger overall improvement we’re working towards with our inventory system.
Font size has also be increased making the text much easier to read. You will also notice an increase in responsiveness when it comes to hovering over each individual item.
Inventory Interaction
Changelog: Inventory
- Added category dividers in the inventory for easier navigation
- Added sub categories to improve inventory navigation
- Added right click system for inventory to simplify UI
- Increased font sizes in the inventory to improve navigation
- Increased hovering speed for more responsive feel
- Removed redundant 'use' buttons from containers
- Increased font sizes in the inventory
- Improved attaching items to weapons flow
- Pressing esc while there’s a filter on the inventory now clears the search
- Removed the fav’s craftable system in favor of simpler design
- Added move all button when in a container per item stack
- Unequipping weapon from the inventory no longer closes the UI
Update Server Config Options
We’ve continued to add options to our server configuration making hosting servers or creating scenarios even more flexible. We’ll be adding new config options in most of the coming updates. We would really like to expand on gameplay customization moving towards a full release.
Constant Hordes
Among the changes comes “Constant Hordes” this will allow you to create a constant wave of hordes, creating the opportunity for all kinds of new gameplay scenarios.
We look forward to seeing what the community comes up with now that we’ve added these new options. If you have any server configuration options you’d like to see added for hosting/workshop stuff, let us know and we’ll get it sorted out!
Another exciting addition that will really open up customization is the ability to add custom zombie drops. You can control what zombies spawn when they’re killed. You can limit the amount of spawn items as well, there’s more info on the hover tip via host tab itself.
New zombie config options
Changelog: Server Config
- Added: Horde Runner Frequency
- Added: Horde Runner Speed
- Added: Hordes mode (Switches hordes to real world time based instead of nightly)
- Added: Constant Hordes Mode (Whether zombies come during day, night or both)
- Added: Constant Hordes Start Delay (Seconds) (The amount of time after server start for hordes to start coming)
- Added: Constant Hordes Wait Time (Seconds) (Delay between hordes)
- Added: Zombie Item Drops (Controls what items zombies will drop on death)
Custom Spawn Points
We’ve added the ability to create custom spawn points. Allowing players to create scenarios and place the starting spawn anyplace they’d like. It should even store the player rotation so you can spawn players in for example looking directly at a table full of loot, or a locked door etc. etc.
Player config options
Changelog: Custom Spawn Points
- Fix for /tppreset list and /tppreset clear commands not working
- Rotation is now stored in tp presets
- Added /playerspawn commands to allow scenario creation with custom spawn points (“/playerspawn add SpawnPoint” or “/playerspawn list”)
- Added “Custom” option to “Initial Spawn Location” and Respawn Location”. This will make it use the spawn points created with the /playerspawn command
Custom Scenario Options
The ability to lock a structure for a scenario seems like it could be an important one. We’ve added the config option to store known lock codes. This will allow you to pre-fortify and lock a structure up. When someone plays your scenario they will automatically be able to open locked doors. Check out the other changes to scenario setup below.
We’ve also added the ability to remove or add ownership of placed items such as fortifications. This will allow players to place free placed fortifications and still permit players of the scenario to move/remove them.
Lock options
Changelog: Scenario/Config options
- Added config options for storing known lock codes.
- Added option to open world save director/folder.
- Added ‘AllowItemOwnership’ option which enables/disables the ability for only owners to move traps/free placed fortifications.
Workshop Improvements and Fixes
We’ve made some significant improvements to workshop integration. Fixing a lot of the issues you all pointed out in the previous release.
- Fix for loading lag when browsing workshop scenarios.
- Fixed for workshop item filtering not working until refreshing
- Added yellow visuals to show that a workshop item is a default scenario
- Added green visuals to show that a workshop item is subscribed to
- Username of creator now displayed in the workshop scenarios
- Removed need to enter tags when creating workshop item
- Disabled opening of update scenario page if user is not the owner
- Scroll back to right position after refreshing scenarios to improve navigation
- Improved workshop item UI to make it more clear how it works
- Installed workshop items now instantly update after local copy is synced to steam.
- Added info for uploading image with browse button
- Fixed mouse hover info showing through overlays
- Added warning icon next to play button when scenario is set to delete DB
- Added double click support for playing world
New Scenarios
Call of Duty Nazi Zombie Scenario
The second scenario is a bit more fun. It’s our take on what was a big inspiration for Survive the Nights, Call of Duty World at War’s Nazi Zombie mode. The addition of a continuous horde option allows us to basically create a wave based game.
We’ve designed a new UI system to display what wave you’re currently fighting. You’ll see the tally marks in the bottom left hand side of the screen. You’ll also notice a start/end sound when waves come and go. You should also notice the zombies in this mode have glowing eyes!
Completely changing the entire standard gameplay to a fast paced arcade style game mode. You start out in a well stocked and semi-fortified structure. You and your friends will be tasked with surviving as many hordes as possible before you all eventually succumb to the inevitable :) Big talk from us considering we’ve not made it beyond wave 8!
Waves start within a minute or so of the first players spawn in. Players will have just a bit of time to stock up and get ready for what’s to come. You will have around 35 seconds between waves to throw a couple of boards up and prepare for the next onslaught.
As with all of our scenarios, feel free to tweak settings to your liking. We can’t wait to see what you all come up with!
Horde Settings
House setup
- Intense wave based gameplay
- New UI for zombie waves
- New audio for wave start/completion
- Stocked and semi-fortified structure to hunker down in
Night of the Living Dead Scenario
Another massive inspiration for Survive the Nights has be George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead. This scenario takes place on a well stocked farm, you’ll have the day to prepare for an intense and massive night horde. This scenario also features walkers only to more closely replicate Romero’s zombies.
- Walkers only
- Large nightly wave (horde level 15)
- Well stocked and fortified structure
- Weapons provided
New Player Tutorial
We’re adding an official new player tutorial. This tutorial should be the first world new players check out. It provides a default setup and forces the tutorial on (most private servers have this off). The tutorial worlds allows players to learn basic gameplay mechanics in a semi-controlled environment.
- Spawn in a farm house on west side of island
- Resource on the property for tutorial complete
- Near by car lot
Patch Notes - Alpha 1.22
- Added category dividers in the inventory for easier navigation
- Added sub categories to improve inventory navigation
- Added right click system for inventory to simplify UI.
- Increased font sizes in the inventory to improve navigation.
- Increased hovering speed for more responsive feel.
- Removed redundant 'use' buttons from containers.
- Increased font sizes in the inventory.
- Improved attaching items to weapons flow.
- Pressing esc while there’s a filter on the inventory now clears the search.
- Removed the fav’s craftable system in favour of simpler design.
- Added move all button when in a container per item stack.
- Unequiping weapon from the inventory no longer closes the UI.
QoL (Quality of Life)
- Improved dropping/placing. It’s now much easier to enter placement mode.
Server Config
- Added: Fortification tool effectiveness option.
- Added: Fortification application strength option.
- Added: Horde Runner Frequency
- Added: Horde Runner Speed
- Added: Hordes mode (Switches hordes to real world time based instead of nightly)
- Added: Constant Hordes Mode (Whether zombies come during day, night or both.)
- Added: Constant Hordes Start Delay (Seconds) (The amount of time after server start for hordes to start coming)
- Added: Constant Hordes Wait Time (Seconds) (Delay between hordes)
- Added: Zombie Item Drops (Controls what items zombies will drop on death)
- Added command line argument for forcing steam relays on or off.
- Fix for weather and day length options not correctly syncing over to the player.
- Weather persistence now also disabled when time persistence is disabled.
Custom Spawn Points
- Fix for /tppreset list and /tppreset clear commands not working
- Rotation is now stored in tp presets
- Added /playerspawn commands to allow scenario creation with custom spawn points (“/playerspawn add SpawnPoint” or “/playerspawn list”)
- Added “Custom” option to “Initial Spawn Location” and Respawn Location”. This will make it use the spawn points created with the /playerspawn command
Scenario/Config options
- Added config options for storing known lock codes.
- Added option to open world save director/folder.
- Added ‘AllowItemOwnership’ option which enables/disables the ability for only owners to move traps/free placed fortifications.
- Fix for loading lag when browsing workshop scenarios.
- Fixed for workshop item filtering not working until refreshing
- Added yellow visuals to show that a workshop item is a default scenario
- Added green visuals to show that a workshop item is subscribed to
- Username of creator now displayed in the workshop scenarios
- Removed need to enter tags when creating workshop item
- Disabled opening of update scenario page if user is not the owner
- Scroll back to right position after refreshing scenarios to improve navigation
- Improved workshop item UI to make it more clear how it works
- Installed workshop items now instantly update after local copy is synced to steam.
- Added info for uploading image with browse button
- Fixed mouse hover info showing through overlays
- Added warning icon next to play button when scenario is set to delete DB
- Added double click support for playing world
- Added input for stopping/starting vehicle while driving
- Engine help UI now shown when vehicle is stationary
Discord: https://discord.gg/survivethenights
Patreon: https://patreon.com/a2zinteractive
Changelog: https://changelog.survivethenights.net
Twitter: https://twitter.com/STNgame
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/STNgame
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/a2zinteractive
Website: https://www.survivethenights.net
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/a2zinteractive
Changed files in this update