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GROSS update for 27 February 2023

Patch Notes 27.02.2023

Share · View all patches · Build 10647035 · Last edited 27 February 2023 – 15:39:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


Hello there,

This patch mainly works on performance issues. Frame rates should now be a lot more stable at later stages. There are still a few things left to do which will follow in later patches.

Coming soon

The next patch will focus mostly on minor bug fixes, and will also include one or two bigger feature changes. Which ones, I haven't yet decided. (wow, what a helpful paragraph this was!)

Now off to the actual patch notes:


SHOTGUN, OH DEER, DEAD END, CONFLICT, BULWARK: Reduced polygon count by about 25% (millions of triangles sacrificed their lives for better performance), mostly by reducing vegetation.

Other levels: Reduced polygon count slightly.

Optimized path finding to take load off the CPU.

Many other small tweaks to optimize performance.

Frame rate increase (depending on level, situation and hardware) between 10 and 50%.

Features & other changes

Changed the way depositing cash works with the cash attachment:
Old: Holding the button/key transferred cash from your pocket to a bullet. Shooting this bullet at an ATM transferred that cash from the bullet to your bank account. If you missed the ATM, a cash pickup spawned at the point of impact. No matter how far the ATM was upgraded, 100% of the money was deposited into the bank account.
New: If the attachment is active, and a bullet hits an ATM, cash in your pocket is transferred to your bank account. The amount of cash transferred by each bullet is identical to the damage of that bullet. For example, a Vampyre’s high explosive round deposits $212.50, an Arrow’s hollow point bullet deposits $45. There is no need to long press the button/key, and there is no chance of losing cash by missing the ATM. As the new maximum for an ATMs conversion rate is 110%, money deposited this way always converts at 110%.

Changed the way depositing cash works with the cash grenade:
Old: Double pressing the button/key threw a cash deposit grenade that carried some of the cash from your pocket. If it landed near (inside 5m range) of an ATM, the cash got deposited in your bank account. If you missed the ATM, a cash pickup spawned.
New: When a regular cash pickup grenade (thrown by a single press) lands near an ATM, it deposits 75% of the cash in your pocket in the ATM. There is no chance of losing money anymore and 110% of the cash deposited this way ends up in your bank account.

There is now an ATM in HOME to let you practice depositing cash via attachment or grenade.

When reloading, your bullet count now updates once the new magazine is inserted (before: once the reload animation was completely finished). If you abort the reload animation with any action (melee, throw, weapons swap) after that point, the gun is treated as fully reloaded.

When you achieve a new high score, the end game screen makes it easier to change the text for the local high score list as well as selecting your flag.

Tracers are now a bit prettier.

Bug fixes

Fixed an issue that sometimes caused cash pickups to fall through the floor.

Fixed an issue that sometimes kept global high scores from being submitted.

When a Joggernaut got stunned just before or during throwing up, the vomit particles were stopped but the gloop/damage effect was still applied.

Zombies that are carrying explosives did still explode when they got close to the player, even when stunned.

Turrets were able to contribute to the score streak in certain situations (like the nailgun when hitting more than one enemy with a single projectile).

Cash pickups now collide with the invisible walls that keep the player from leaving the level bounds. This is especially important in SHIPMEND, where there are invisible walls around the big ships and the cash pickups were able to fall down into the bays where players couldn’t recover them.

Fixed various issues with the way SMART rounds handled money. It was possible to unintentionally both gain and lose money.

It was a bit hard to select certain levels on the map (mostly LAB and SHOTGUN), this works better now.

Sticky grenades that were stuck on a zombie were attached to the “base” of the zombie instead of the individual body part that they stuck to. They now attach to (and move with) the actual body part (just like the incendiary burns).

The text to tell players they weren’t allowed to construct something was too wide and got wrapped.

A teleporter that landed on an angled/slanted surface did not stay there (like the road in SUMMIT).

Fixed an issue where ADS (aiming down sights) sometimes lagged a bit when both walking and shooting before pressing the aim key/button.

When reloading an endless game, some parameters (like jump height) weren’t properly applied.

Improved Anti Aliasing. White outline/edges as well as “nervous vibrating/flickering” are reduced.

Scopes did not render hologram decoys.

It was possible for zombies to squeeze through the narrow gap between the construction grid and the workshop/office in SHIPMEND.

The SG90 now more accurately hits where you aim.

Enlarged the front post of the CyKa’s iron sights and corrected the sight picture: The gun now hits exactly above the front post.

Some throwables (e.g. cash grenade, teleporter) spawned in the place the previous throwable of the same place expired.

Sticky grenades sometimes bounced off instead of attaching if the target was very close to the player.

When starting the next (as of yet not completed) story level from HOME and setting the difficulty, it was ignored and overridden by the last difficulty you used with the switch in the RV.

If you encounter a bug, please report it straight away ingame by pressing F1 and describing the issue. This makes it a lot easier for me to replicate and fix it. If you would like any direct feedback, don't forget to include your email address.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1647421
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