Hello everyone,
This update adds the construction of buildings to settlement management, visual improvements to the campaign map and UX improvements.
Full Changelog
- Create new settlement flag widget displaying important stats for player settlements
- Left click now opens unit details, right click moves the unit
- Add modifier to public order stat
- Change some loading screen tips
- Remove staff tab
- Lower archer and crossbow melee attack damage
- Fix custom faction only selectable once you have created one
- Fix custom faction default color
- Fix possessed player spawn position
- Slightly increase distance player is allowed from formations
- Building a port creates supply lines across water
- Remove vague sector policies
- Simplify sector income calculation
- Make public order modifiers easy to understand and point based
- Make food production easy to understand and directly related to the construction of farms
- Settlements show important constructed buildings on map
- Add more data to settlement UI
- Make battle balance bar based on battle status instead of heraldry, show lose margin
- Add coat of arms to faction decree target select
- Add selectable color modes in gameplay settings: Colorful (Standard), cinematic and black and white
- Refactor settlement upgrade logic to building based approach
- Improve some sounds
- Update tutorial scene with new assets
- Fix a couple of locomotion animations playing too slowly
- Fix player locomotion jitter when walking back
- Merchants use new roads on campaign map
- Add roads to campaign map
- add new trees to campaign map
- Fix defending catapult not fleeing when walls are breached
- Add icons to supply lines indicating invasion routes
- Prevent archers from moving during shooting
- Fix two handed stance sword clipping player head
- Improve crossbow locomotion animations
- Improve stability of on foot animations for player
- Lower player run speed on foot
- Add small camera shake to player running
- Tweak player input and camera
- Change cursor when hovering over settlements
- Add boundaries to limit player camera movement during campaign
- Slightly increase unit attack distance
- Player can now click all settlements
- Settlements show supply lines when hovering over them
- Change 'Player controlled' icon to green dot
- Add new settlement icons for campaign map
- Add new main theme music
- Streamline all surcoat styles to lord
- Implement multiple save slots for custom factions
- Prevent possessed player from dismembering enemies with non fitting attacks
- Add a small chance of injury that sends the unit crawling out of battle
- Add more colors to custom faction screen
- Fix gamemode checking game balance before battle start causing victories while in prebattle
Changed files in this update