The time is almost here, and we can finally tell you that Barotrauma is coming out of Early Access on Monday, March 13, just two weeks from now.
Are you ready? We are shaking in our diving suits! We’ve spent almost a year working on the upcoming 1.0 update, and we can’t wait to hear what you think about it. It introduces the faction overhaul, which we have been teasing in recent weeks, and a proper ending to the campaign. What’s really down in the depths? Definitely not just a doomworm, but we don’t want to spoil the surprise.
After almost four years in early access and closer to a decade in development, March 13 is going to be a huge day for us and Barotrauma. Four people from our team sat down in front of a camera to tell you a bit more about that journey. Take a look at this behind the scenes video for our story!
Thank you for sailing with us for so long. The end of Early Access is not the end of our development, and we still have more updates planned after 1.0, but now it’s time to say: Welcome to Europa.
Changed depots in experimental branch