Features and customizations
The step to start the ingame story is made by a first boss.
- "Blargh the Great Devourer" can be found at the corrupted mana collectors, to the west of the portal ruins.
- The battle is accented by the new storm weather effect.
- Slime puddles inflict the first abnormal condition on you: you slow down for a short time.
- The boss leaves behind a mineable slime box, a slime armor and slime balls. The latter will get a use in the future.
- A new achievement is awarded for defeating the boss.
- It can currently still happen that the battlefield is not generated. In this case, a new game must be started.
When you die, you will now leave behind a tombstone that contains your items.
- The tombstone can be used like a box to recover your items.
- If the tombstone is mined, you can take it with you as a decoration, but you can no longer use it as a crate.
- A marker at the edge of the screen indicates the direction to the tombstone, similar to the marker back to the home totem.
In combat, stamina is now used to attack. In return, the short invulnerability time after hitting mobs is removed.
Walls, fences, floors, and some crafting materials now require fewer resources and/or have a higher yield.
Mycelium can now be removed with both the shovel and the hoe.
A water trough can now be crafted at the carpenter's table. It is purely decorative at this point.
The bucket can now be made on the carpenter's table.
Swamp grass now spawns in waters of the swamp biome.
The graphics for the chicken egg and the egg nest have been improved.
Minor improvement to the flashing of hit mobs.
Minor performance updates to entity generation and display sorting.
- Special Places were sometimes not registered correctly in the save file, resulting in fewer Special Places.
- When being knocked back by a hit, it was still possible to attack at the same time.
- In windowed mode, the mouse cursor position did not match the marker in the game world.
- On some resolutions, the pointer movement speed with a controller was different.
Coming soon
- In-game beginning of the story.
- Map generator improvements.
Changed files in this update