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Territory: Farming and Fighting update for 27 February 2023

2-27 Bug recovery and experience optimization

Share · View all patches · Build 10645966 · Last edited 27 February 2023 – 12:52:20 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

BUG Occasionally, the coachman is stuck and does not unload the goods, and the endless cycle of getting on and off the car
Optimized that the carriage can transport spoiled food
Optimize the view, increase the ability to display all carriage routes
Optimize the bank deposit and repayment input boxes, fill the maximum value by default
Optimize the recruiting count of the barracks, and exclude those who do not meet the recruitment conditions
Optimized that the wagon can transport wine directly from the barrel
Optimizing Drugs at Diagnostic Tables Changes Doctor Handling
In optimization statistics, it is possible to locate an item in its box (from more to less, loop positioning)
Optimize list of facilities
Optimization Facility renaming
BUG When the carriage leaves the carriage station, it does not stop getting on and off, an endless loop

Windows 64-bit Depot 1455911
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