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轮回修仙路 update for 28 February 2023

2.28 Update Bulletin

Share · View all patches · Build 10644957 · Last edited 28 February 2023 – 03:09:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

2.28 Update Bulletin

  1. Add the Five Elements of Linggan related life case, no longer have to repeat SL (do not choose the extra green life case of Linggan, it may conflict)

  2. Added a progress bar for the duration of the Hijackdan

  3. Fixed some issues where experience and the spirit root sometimes don't match in the game

  4. Optimize the problem of lag in closed meditation, and change it to Reincarnation for thousands of years (with caution).

  5. Fixed incorrect exit and re-entry position in the secret realm

  6. Now Zongmen are free of restrictions and can fly with swords. Other NPCS can also come and go

  7. Optimized the increasing memory problems in SL

  8. Fixed the issue of not being able to enter the new gate due to premature joining of the gate

  9. Newly hatched spirit monsters are now in direct combat by default

  10. Lower the barriers to gift-giving

  11. Fixed the initial damage of sword light differentiation being incorrect

  12. Reduced the number of talisman dropped by NPCS while NPC drops were also reduced

  13. Being asked for items by NPCS now reduces favorability

  14. Low power NPC enemies will now run away

  15. Fixed the problem of double repair getting stuck

  16. Fixed the problem of new users not being able to enter

  17. Optimized the problem that the probability of small ratio and large ratio will be stuck

Windows Depot 1993151
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