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Diary of Lucie update for 27 February 2023

Diary of Lucie is released now!

Share · View all patches · Build 10644505 · Last edited 27 February 2023 – 09:26:14 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello, here is parange project.

Diary of Lucie is finally officially released!
Please check the patch notes below for more information.

1. Add a story

Stories and endings that have not been revealed so far have been added.
You can meet Lucie, her diary, and the hidden stories of the characters.

2. Haegeum content

In fact, if Lucie's diary was closer to the log-like genre,
The true loglight is from the full version with the addition of Haegeum content.
I think even users who previously had difficulty in playing games will be able to enjoy it more as they play.

  1. the inner mind
    Content that can be released using credits that can be obtained during the game.
    As you play the game, more minds are lifted, and you can give the player new skills or even release another content or new level of difficulty

  2. Title system
    You can combine the titles you get while playing the game and apply them to Lucie.
    It is also possible to change the play style to suit the player's taste and to strengthen certain weapon builds.
    The title is available in various ways and achievements throughout the game.

  3. Achievements
    Various achievements in the game are newly added.
    It is also possible to achieve achievements and earn new rewards.
    The achievements can be found in the Steam Library and also in the in-game ring command menu.

  4. Accessories
    You can acquire various accessories while playing the game.
    Accessories are given special unique options according to the enhancement steps and are not initialized in the inventory even if they die.
    The higher the level of difficulty you play, the higher the level of accessories you can get.

3. Item change

The description and utilization of the item have been added more intuitively.
A total of more than 20 types of upper-level items with an uncommon grade or higher have been added.

In addition, high-level items can be used in various ways with the Haegeum content and growth factors added below.
For example, you can play multiple rounds to upgrade a particular weapon endlessly.
You can also significantly inflate your assets while maintaining a portion of your holdings.

And quick slot and quick item use function have been added.
Quick slots include potions or food items added this time (for example, the ability to stop for 3 seconds in an invincible state).
Items required immediately for combat situations are automatically registered and can be changed to shortcut keys.
( Items that are not required for combat situations, such as incant scrolls, will not be registered in the quick slot)

In addition, a number of contents such as reinforcement capabilities and incantation types are added for each weapon.
Items that were previously low in use or ambiguous in value have been changed or removed.

4. Changes in the union system

The combination recipe is more than doubled compared to the previous one, and the efficiency of the combination is increased.

In fact, the existing combination system had limited items that could be combined, and it was difficult to use the combined items.
Increase the return value for the combination results, add food items, and unique grade equipment,
And we changed as many builds as possible, such as hidden recipes, so that users can adopt them.

5. Changes in durability system

The durability system was originally intended to use a variety of weapons.
I wanted to induce them to use low-grade weapons.

But rather, the stress that comes from breaking the weapon,
I thought that limited durability recovery was a problem.

So, I'm trying to control the durability of the weapon.
We have also changed weapons that have broken repair items such as anvil grandfather, whetstone, and Mana's stone to be repaired again.

6. Skill changes

Eight new skills and 26 skill databases have been added.
Most existing skill balances have been adjusted, and have now been changed to make them more efficient at higher levels.

And the more you use the skill, the more you remove the existing system that was able to level up.
You have changed it so that you can acquire the same skill or raise the skill level to a specific item.

7. Ability Changes

Seven new possibilities have been added.
Ability's name has been changed to 'Property' to suit the main story worldview.

In addition, when acquiring a holy object from a box, we changed it so that you can choose from a number of holy objects.
Added to your options to preview the ability of the castle.

8. Add new stage and boss

The new stage and the final boss for that stage are added.

9. Improved lagging

In fact, it's the optimization part that I've been focusing on the most.
It greatly alleviated the lag in a low-end environment.

In particular, it greatly improved the phenomenon that the more the game continues to be played, and the more the lag gets after the third stage.
Although it cannot be completely solved due to the limitations of development tools, we will continue to improve this area.

I think I've had a big challenge for 5 years as a one-man developer.
There were so many setbacks.
I think I was able to come this far without giving up because there were people who waited and cheered for my game.
We will continue to work hard and update to repay the expectations of many people.

All the music in the game is composed and played by yourself, and you can use it freely on YouTube or streaming.

[h3]Other bug fixes[\h3]
Fixed a inner heart that was not saved normally.
After activating the characteristics of the inner mind, we corrected the phenomenon that the characteristics could not be recalled when the game was reconnected.
We fixed the phenomenon that the black screen appears when we move to the next area after the 10th floor.
We have fixed the phenomenon of dropping the accessory box when clearing the boss, even if the characteristics are not unbanned sometimes.
We fixed the phenomenon that the effect was not output normally among the Boss Ione patterns.
Fixed an intermittent sharp decrease in movement speed during game play.
Fixed a phenomenon where the title gambler effect was not applied.
We have corrected the phenomenon that the potion item was not consumed when obtaining the holy umbrella.
Fixed a phenomenon where the clear achievement was not applied normally.
I did not acquire a necklace in the tutorial and corrected the phenomenon that did not progress in the library.
Fixed a duplicate increase in some capabilities during save loading.
We have corrected the phenomenon that coin items did not work properly or fell without cause since the middle part.
We fixed the phenomenon that the game stopped with a low probability when dealing with Pengsolzer, ghost, and fairy at stage 4 or higher.
(Gamepad) Fixed a phenomenon where the skill was not changed to a cross key.
Fixed a phenomenon where the non-steamina-consuming effect was not applied in certain situations.
Corrected the phenomenon that sometimes descriptive statements were not printed properly when acquiring properties in the box.
The tutorial and some stories have corrected the typos.

Boss Pengranger fixed the phenomenon that sometimes fires off the map.
Fixed a phenomenon where some clear achievements were not properly applied.
Fixed the window interaction in Lucie's room to make it easier to operate.
Fixed encyclopedia that equipment and items were not acquired sometimes.
Fixed a phenomenon where the Lucky Pig and Nightmare Difficulty Description were not output normally.
Fixed a phenomenon where firefly relics credit box properties were not applied.
Fixed the letterbox was not released after the 4th stage boss was cleared.
Fixed the moving speed was not applied normally sometimes after 4stage.
Changed to can't throw away equipment or items in the room.
Fixed a phenomenon where the screen sometimes stopped, black screen output, and only background music was heard

Country: 루시의 일기 (모두) 루시의 일기 (모두) Depot 1454011
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