- Sense ability -> set as unlocked from the beginning of the game
- New variant of sticks -> should be more visible in various areas
- Door sounds added in some areas
- Warehouse storage & chests -> fixed problem with restoring seeds after load
- Jack (Just) horse should now work for all (as a reward for finish the quest)
- Hotbar buttons can now be changed in key-bindings
- Hide UI button can now be bound to another key
- Jack (Just) will no longer get up in a dialogue
- Chapter 3 - added handler to fulfill the entry "finish site-quests"
- Fixed issue where Chapter 3 was locked
- Fixed issue when player died after load close to the treasure
- Weight in the inventory not updated after item was destroyed - fixed
- Pantry not saved - fixed
- Pantry interaction before fully built - fixed
- Politic character fixed hair
- Resources shop hope - fixes
- Weapons shop - fixes
- Free carts panel in management menu fixed
- Drop item (Q) and Hotbar (Q) keybinding conflict resolved. MIGHT REQUIRE REASSIGNING IN SETTINGS
- Q is no longer closing the menu panel (unified - ESC button)
- Quest items are not visible in general category in inventory now. They are visible in Quest Items category (filter)
- Disabled bandit attacks event for now
- Quest task entries scale now on UI (no more overlapping)
Changed files in this update