- When health is below 25, the saturation will start to degrade, and worsen as health decreases. You will need to heal back up to max health to improve vision (Is toggleable)
- When hovering over an item, it will now tell you what that item is (eg. Melee, consumable, etc)
- Added in game marker when near to location of death (Can be disabled)
- Added a marker on the world map for infestations
- Added difficulty option to adjust infestation health
- Added flies to infestation piles
- Markers now save their location
- On screen markers removed, this is replaced by compass markers that appear on the players compass if they have one equipped
- Many smaller spawns of bandits added around the map
- Added item: Alcohol (Crafting material) & lunchbox (Store food and drink)
- Molotovs are now craftable via the Crafting Bench
- Small adjustments to molotov effect
- Chance of siren noise and jets much more random
- Changed toolbox texture
- Increased radiated zombie base speed
- Adjustments to UI when hovering over an item
- Updated molotov sounds
- Updated loading screen
- Adjustment to how much noise AI weapons give off
- Permadeath mode won't disable auto saving anymore
- New money model
- General changes to game menus
- Fixed exploit at gun shop
- Fixed free look not working with auto run
- Fixed Exterminator shotgun reload
- Miscellaneous fixes to locations of some AI spawners
- Fixed animal meat bags refilling loot after a set time
- Possible fix to AI falling through ground on death
- Fixed extra bag of meat saving its location
- Fixed some issues with compass
Changed files in this update