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Territory: Farming and Fighting update for 26 February 2023

2-26 Bug fixes and experience optimization

Share · View all patches · Build 10640358 · Last edited 26 February 2023 – 13:39:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

[Optimize important] Restructure the horse-drawn carriage transportation function (the original carriage route is valid, but the transportation rules of the facilities on the route need to be manually set)
Optimize the dismantling of the barracks, pop up the confirmation prompt box
Optimize the brightness at night to increase
Optimize the function of making up the price difference, if it is lower than the acceptable discount, it will not be sold automatically
BUG The stones at the quarry were not shipped out in time
The bug needs to prohibit captives from directly ennobling nobles
Optimize the fireplace can also be used as the birth point of elves
BUG The list of horse station facilities is too long and cannot be displayed completely
BUG When there is storage space in the big box, the residents will store the items in the treasury
BUG There are some facilities in the carriage line that are not displayed, or the wrong facilities are displayed
BUG Residents mistakenly put items that cannot be placed in the stockpile into the stockpile, and put items that cannot be enlarged into large chests
Optimization Change turnover boxes, water wells, crab cages, beehives, and statue seats into four-sided openings

Windows 64-bit Depot 1455911
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