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AI War 2 update for 26 February 2023

5.538 Return of The Dragons

Share · View all patches · Build 10638620 · Last edited 26 February 2023 – 02:09:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New AI War 2 build:

Goodness! It's been a hot minute since the last build. Blink and suddenly it's been 15 days.

Well, Dismiss and StarKelp and Badger and CRCGamer have clocked a bunch of updates in this one; to the base game, to DLCs, and to mods.

There have been some UI improvements to the settings menu, and to having some added hotkeys for things that you might frequently want to do, like open the encyclopedia to a specific area. The search bar in the galaxy map view is also now more functional for quick searches of planets or units. Some old galaxy options that are really no longer needed in light of other features that replaced them have also been removed.

The alternative win condition related to the Zenith Architrave now works properly again, after being broken for a bit with a regression.

Balance improvements to a number of units, and Dragons now show up to fight the fallen spire again.

The Dark Spire now have an option in the lobby that makes them grow slower and have more unit variety, rather than being quite so intense and just having Eidolons everywhere. This one is an opt-in feature in the lobby.

For the Neinzul Custodians, you can now manually control which subfactions spawn, and optionally choose which Enclave each subfaction gets.

Lots of balance tweaks and bugfixes to Badger's giant Sidekicks mod, good stuff in there. If you haven't tried that yet, you really should!

Balance tweaks and fixes in the Points of Interest mod as well, and the Outguard Party mod, and the Reclaimers mod, all from Dismiss.

And lots of other little things, besides the above.

More to come soon. Enjoy!

(Usual reminder: you can wishlist our upcoming title Heart of the Machine, if you want to keep up with it. We'll also be running a closed alpha starting in the next few months, so keep an ear out.)

AI War 2 Content Depot 573411
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Windows AI War 2 Windows Depot 573412
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macOS AI War 2 OSX Depot 573413
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Linux AI War 2 Linux Depot 573414
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AI War 2 Modding Data Depot 573415
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DLC 1466780 AI War 2: The Neinzul Abyss (1466780) Depot Depot 1466780
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