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Fight in the Arena update for 25 February 2023

1.0.1 Update - Custom Portraits!

Share · View all patches · Build 10638223 · Last edited 25 February 2023 – 23:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The German localization is not ready yet but I thought it would be better to release an update before it is ready, so you can get your hands on a more polished version right now. I fixed a few bugs and improved several text passages. While localizing the game, I obviously need to read the English version once more and changed/corrected quite a few sentences.
I mostly improved the first 40 sections because I only got so far in localizing. I think the German localization should be done next week, I certainly need to be a bit faster.

One player requested a feature for Sonucido: The Mage, my previous game - a custom player portrait. The game does not feature a player portrait normally but I implemented it anyways. Since I already had the code I reworked it to fit Fight in the Arena and you can now have custom player portraits and custom enemy portraits! Just add player0.png in the game folder, you can do as many pictures as you want, player0.png, player1.png, player2.png, player3.png, ... - you can do the same for the enemies, enemy0.png, enemy1.png, ...

Full Changelog

  • Custom portraits for the player
  • Custom portraits for enemies
  • Many improvements to the text
  • Improved the playback of sounds (in very fast situations it could happen that a sound did not play properly. This should be fixed now or at the very least happen much less often)
  • Fixed a minor bug which showed Continue in the start menu when it should have shown New Game
  • Deleted a few unused elements
  • Minor code improvements
  • The code that gives you back your values after being intimidated was falsely in the code of the enemy turn which meant that you were intimidated a turn longer than the enemy
  • Fixed a bug which made the ram more powerful than intended if you or your enemy had low dexterity
Linux 64-bit Depot 2308851
  • Loading history…
Windows Depot 2308852
  • Loading history…
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