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Tyrannis update for 25 February 2023

Tyrannis Reconquista Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10637076 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

What Is Reconquista Mode?

Reconquista is Tyrannis' new campaign mode, where the turn-based guerrilla warfare gameplay of Tyrannis takes on a roguelike twist.

Create your own custom faction and fight across 18 maps as you liberate Latin America from a mercenary-backed coup.

As you progress, you'll be able to further-develop your custom faction.

Just be sure to think things through, because failure means starting back from square one.

You have 9 Lives, 18 Regions to Liberate, and One Mission:

Kick every single corpo-backed mercenary out of America.

Minimap Update

The Americas can be a big place, and it's pretty easy to get lost there. So we added a minimap to help players navigate the map.

Now, you can click on the minimap to travel to that point on the map, which means no more dragging the mouse around in the dark to find out where you want to be.

Additional Bug Fixes

  • The Northern Mexico map had a few problems with unit placement. Should be fixed now.
  • State information will now display the correct units and show the unit types.
  • Gameplay is optimized across all maps.
  • Player income is now updated in real time.


And this about does it for Tyrannis' Reconquista Update.

Unless something happens, this is going to be the last major update for Tyrannis, besides bug fixes and optimization.

Now, I'll be doing some much-needed major updates on Infinite Voyager, along with maybe another Tyrannis game, if I have the time.

I hear the Russian Empire still exists in the world of Tyrannis, along with Colonial Africa and a Megacorp-dominated East Asia

It's been a hell of a journey, and I just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me get here, from my family, to my Kickstarter backers, to all the indie devs who welcomed me into the community.

And of course, you the player.

So from the bottom of my heart... Thank you.
-Chris Lawrence
Literally Everybody at cGh ONE

Social Media:
Twitter: @cgh_ONE
Instagram: @cghone
Address: [REDACTED], California, USA

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