Hello everyone,
We are finally here with the February update and we hope you are going to like the new content. If not, please let us know! We love your suggestions and we always keep track of your feedback. This past month, we’ve worked on making the factory starting process easier, more tools to earn money and a better way to manage your production. Let’s get into the details, shall we?
We designed and created a better wick system that you can unlock to increase your production yield while you research for more advanced machines. This new version of the wick system produces almost twice the amount of plants and it looks very good placed in corners. You must check it out! 🙂
Seedling has always been a time-consuming process: With the seeder versions currently available in the game, workers have to do a lot of manual labour to grow seedlings and get them ready for the next step. Nevertheless, with this month's release, you will be able to unlock an advanced and more efficient version that can increase your yield and reduce the manual work of your robots.
More plants, more fun. That’s why you can now grow four new Earth varieties in your factory. Our favourite is mint, but the others are pretty cool as well. All of them can help you diversify the production so that you can earn extra money.
Another interesting upgrade for this February release is the possibility to prioritize producers. This feature is accessible from the warehouse panel, where you can view all the producers and what they're producing, and you can also prioritize them. Workers will then focus on those that have a higher priority status. You can even filter producers by plant type and prioritize all of them at once! This is a highly requested feature to give you more control over priorities. Let us know if it meets your expectations!
Now you can choose the look of your workers, and as a thank you for believing in Roboplant, we added a unique skin just for you. We plan to add more over the coming months.
The new tutorial is finally out! Over the past months since the early access version release, we have received some complaints about the tutorial. We listened to them and we tried to design a more comprehensive one that is suitable both for those who are starting from scratch and those who just need additional tips.
In the new tutorial, every time you open a panel for the first time, you receive a message from Beebop. In this message, you can learn more about the panel and what it does and get useful tips on how it works. You can go back to this message by clicking the question mark icon on the top right corner of each panel.
This new tutorial might not be perfect yet, but we’ve come a long way from the first version and we would love to receive your feedback on this improved one.
Balancing is another important aspect of this release. During January, we made the mistake of making Roboplant too difficult to play. After we realized this, we immediately set to work on balancing the difficulty and making some aspects of the game easier and smoother.
This is what we did during February:
- We reduced the amount of time workers spend managing the production
- We reduced the time workers spend to refill their needs
- We increased the refill per minute of relax machines
- We decreased the vertical seeder performance
- We reduced maintenance fees for construction
- We reduced the usage of energy and water
March update will be planned on Monday based on the roadmap and on your feedback. As always, if you have any suggestions on something that should be added please let us know!
This is all for this update, see you soon!
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