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My Home/Zombie Center update for 25 February 2023

Beta 1.2.0

Share · View all patches · Build 10636226 · Last edited 25 February 2023 – 11:09:11 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Changes in Gameplay:
-Added "Play Manual" menu to the start screen.
-Stance switching during attacks to consume Pow.
-Made Pow actions "Push" and "Backstep" depend on camera direction.
-Added a recovery gauge display during crouching recovery.

Balance Adjustments:
-Adjusted performance of the Sledgehammer again.
-Reduced the number of initial zombie spawn points and added new ones after defeating 50 and 100 zombies.
-Changed the condition for Fat Zombie appearances to defeating 75 zombies.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed terrain that caused the character to get stuck while crouching.
-Fixed an issue where zombie tracking would stop if the player climbed from a sofa to a kitchen table, etc.
-Fixed terrain where zombie tracking would be lost upon entering (which was missed in the previous update).

Known Issues Being Investigated:
-Repeatedly pressing the second attack of the Sledgehammer, Double-Handed Axe, Wooden Stick (Long), and Iron Pipe (Long) causes glitchy motion and awkward attacks.
-Fat Zombies sometimes retain their falling motion even after stopping their dash.

With this Update, the balance of game will be change.
So we reset the score ranking again sorry.

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