Major Changes:
*** Voxel landscape deformation and level editing system implemented (first version)
- Can be found on Parnassus_Voxels
- Flatscreen mode added for CoA
- Flatscreen player character implemented (tutorial can be found in Tutorial document)
- Physics based Battle Elephant AI implemented
- Physics based Greek Cavalry AI implemented
- Main Menu island implemented
- Player character upgrades (in detail below)
- Weapon upgrades (in detail below)
- Added “Floating Island” - empty levels with several different biomes: Desert, Grass, Gravel, and Ice
Player Character/Player Weapon Upgrades
- Updated overall player physical character system to V3
- Includes new systems under development to be revealed at a later date
- Added hip holsters to store any weapon at the player’s hips
- VR Hand Grabbing Logic has been improved.
- VR Grab-Pulling has been improved.
- Improved pulling VR pawn over the edge of buildings when reaching the top
- Falling animation if in air
- Hid spawn icons on hand
- Added player vignettè setting to pause menu
- Added slashing damage to all stab weapons (they can now stab from all angles instead of just one, which was previously the tip of the blade)
- Ballista bug fixes
- including fixing ballista inability fire below a certain angle
- Polished all stabbable weapon stab logic
- Polished hand grabbing of all weapons and props
- Improved Arrow and thrown weapon logic
- Attachment system: Improved physics bounds and grab locations
Important Changes:
- Slight size variation for all units when each are spawned
- Large units take reduced damage from other large units so they can have prolonged fights rather than killing each other in one attack due to overwhelming amount of damage (minotaur, cyclops, elephant, Talos)
- Prevent large units from falling over when grabbed in mortal mode (Talos, giant, minotaur, cyclops, gorgon, scorpion, centaur)
- NPC performance optimizations (elephant, barghest, cavalry)
- Musket default size increased
- Removed Linear Angle, the 45 degree ramp and renamed Long Linear Angle to Ramp
- New smaller geometry added to level editor
- Added German armbands for each team for riflemen and SMG versions
- Punches were doing too much damage and killing most humanoids in one hit
- reduced damage in each tier to around 1/4th to 1/5th of original value
- Gun melee damage also often did one hit kills
- reduced damage to 1/4th to 1/5th of original values
- Removed tracks that were too “epic” from music list and retained sandbox music
Bug Fixes
- Fixed giants standing after death due to wounding animation not playing
- Fixed giant causing momentary lag when spawned
- Fixed physical zombie killed in one hit to head
- Everglades: fixed spawning clipping under level near river
- Fixed barghest accelerating in slow motion
- Fixed barghest spazzing out when attacking non-human characters
- Significant barghest optimizations
- Significant zombie optimizations
- Fixed Zombies not attacking
- Prevent Talos bleeding when hit (since he is made of metal)
- Fixed artillery projectiles going through ground instead of exploding
- Fixed Meteora going through ground instead of exploding
- Fixed AI rockets not impacting ground and exploding
- Renamed artillery sporadic to Artillery (Random/Persistent) to be more clear
- Javelin deletes self instead of getting suspended in air
- Decreased recoil on Mac10 (no suppressor)
- Fixed Sniper AI rifle orientation
- Fixed Commando only spawning in with red team material
- Fixed giant hands being crooked
Dev Log:
Has it really been 3 months since the last update? Kept you waiting huh? Thanks for your patience, testers, Update 19 is finally out and consists of major updates like the voxel landscape editing and deformation, new physics AI, flatscreen mode, and upgrades to the player system among many other important changes as listed above. As mentioned before, it took a while because we were overhauling the player character and upgraded to a new UE4 version. Note that flatscreen mode is still relatively basic and lacks a few core features that VR has such as level editing but you can already spawn things and set up battles, use the voxel tools, and you can play as a flatscreen character - it is already a lot of fun. Other features mentioned are also in their infancy so do give us feedback. The tester bulletin has been updated with new goals - we're looking forward to feedback and videos, this is a huge update!.
Some goals for testing:
- Test the new volume for music (previously was overly loud) and let us know about the overall tempo and mood of the chosen music. The tracks originally included epic trailer music for the game, but we found that it was often too epic for the amount of action taking place on average.
- Try out the new voxel terrain system by either sculpting your own levels or destroying the terrain using various explosives.
- Test out the new physics AI - the cavalry and the battle elephant!
- Test out flatscreen mode by choosing the third option under Cry of Athena besides play in SteamVR and OculusVR.
- Let us know how you feel about the first version of the main menu that you first spawn into.
Changed files in this update