For our second and final update of February we have a few exciting features and necessary improvements and bug fixes
New Features
Everyone loves getting rewarded, and now you too can celebrate as you serve more and more orders to customers. We've got a small set of achievements set up now, with many more to come! Can you 100% Lost Abroad Café?
Note that for now these are in-game achievements, but we'll link them to Steam profile Achievements in the near future!
A staple all around the world, you can now serve up sandwiches as a food item in your coffee shop! And for the first time, not all languages will have the same option: Asian languages will get one sandwich, and romance/European languages another. This is our first test on setting up different menu items for different languages, and going forward we'll be able to get even more specific and culturally relevant!
Update Username/Email
Things change, and the username you registered with might not be the one you still want to use. You can now update your username and email address using the User button on the language select screen.
Bug Fixes
Words in Wrong Place
You may have noticed that in some cases, short words would be moved around so that they showed up in the wrong place in the speech bubble. This has been fixed, and the speech bubbles now match what the customers actually say.
Empty Speech Bubbles
There were some cases where clicking on a customer's speech bubble to hear their order too quickly resulted in it staying empty, or being stuck on "...". We haven't fully found and fixed the root cause of this, but we have made some changes that make it occur much less often.
Next month we'll be adding one of the most requested features to date: expanded time modes! Play 1, 2, or 5 minute rounds depending on your own schedule. Then we've got even more coming down the pipeline, including the winner of our February feature poll on our Discord server (remember to vote if you haven't already!).
Changed files in this update