SpaceBourne 2 Early Access Ver. 1.1.0
• New stations have been added. Independent faction stations are now accessible.
• The entire main quest spawn system has been changed. We expect the issue of quest points not spawning, especially in different languages, to be completely resolved.
• The entire Goal Point and Indicator system has been changed. We expect the issue of indicators not appearing in quests to be completely resolved.
• The Warp Break system has been introduced. We can now stop the ship during warp.
• The French language has been 80% completed and added to the game.
• The Russian language has been 90% completed and added to the game.
• The HoverBikes now have a headlight feature.
• Since many maps are procedural, characters can get stuck in some areas. Therefore, we added a button called "I Got Stuck" to the pause menu. Pressing it will get you unstuck from where you got stuck. It only works in stations and dungeons.
• The system takeover feature has been activated.
Reported by players as follows :
• After fighting the large ship in the Ka-Run mission, if I save the game and then load that save file, my ship cannot warp and the mission progress does not continue.
• The Looking For Pilot mission sometimes appears empty, and I cannot receive Freelancer missions.
• After the first time I eject from my ship in space, I get stuck with the "press G" message.
• When I exit warp travel from space to flying in the atmosphere, my ship always has a weird jerking animation/glitch.
• The places I've taken with faction wars are showing up both in my interface and in the diplomacy panel under the control of the House I captured them from.
• The solar systems I've acquired with faction wars still appear in Scanner and Atlas interfaces as if they still belong to their former owners.
• If there are too many enemies on the screen, the indicators consume a lot of performance.
• When I get knocked down by the enemy while in Sniper Scope mode, the sniper camera stays stuck on the screen.
• Some HUD texts become invisible when they are too long.
• If I Alt+Tab during system jump, the game crashes.
• During the Jack quest, I got out of the ship and moved away a bit. The checkpoint was saved. Later, when I died and loaded that save, my ship appeared very far away.
• I loaded my weapon while leaving the atmosphere, and the process of leaving the atmosphere stopped. I'm still on the planet, but I can warp to places in space.
• Sometimes when I overwrite a save file, it drops to the bottom of the list in date order.
• I started a game before, then closed it and started a new game, but the name I gave to my character is still the same from the previous game.
• The "Expand ship stats" option does not work in languages other than English in the Ship Interface.
• If I unequip my Body Armor while sitting in my ship, the armor's depiction does not change. However, if I put on Body Armor, it works.• During the arm mission, there are 2 ships that I need to hijack and when I take one, the sound of the other ship's engines overpowers the game sounds The ship I hijacked is moving very slowly.
• My warp drive broke at some point during the mission, I need Drane to bring my ship to me, but my ship doesn't arrive.
• During mine, I am receiving very little Miner Guild rank.
• When I am too far away from my ship on a planet surface, I cannot call my ship.
• If I quickly exit the ship during the first encounter with Molyax, Molyax is not added to my team.
• When I approach the POIs, I am forced out of them. When I get back on my Hoverbike, it just stands still and I cannot do anything.
• The Laser Pistols have an icon error since the latest update (1.0.2).
• The details of the first subgoal are blank for some procedural side quests.
• The ship no longer starts with R when using Third person view. It only works in first-person.
• Some weapons no longer consume ammo after reloading.
• The ammo count on the HUD is not displayed correctly or at all if I hold the weapon. (The bug appears if I enter my ship while holding a gun in my hands.)
• The shadows of Morhra_Assasin type ships look different from the ship model.
• As I approach the Pods, the pod indicator shows an increasing distance between us.
• I cannot see the weapon group details in the Main Interface while playing with languages other than English.
• Mining does not give Adventurer Experience.
• If I press esc to close the menu during a drag-and-drop operation in the character interface, the slot where I was dragging something stays on the screen.
• In some market types, the stock always appears at the same level, even if I level up later.
• I found a letter in a POI on a planet surface. When I pressed the "scan the location" button, a progress bar appeared, but it did not show me the location.
• Misactor can spawn during warp or in the ship landing position.
• During the "Take Back Momo" mission, I went too far away to kill the NPC, but then I cannot find my way back to Momo, and I cannot warp out.
• The mining station is invisible during the first contract.
• There is a huge arrow visible in some cities, and when I get close to that arrow with my character, the game pushes me far.
• If I leave my ship in the air without docking it in the Morthra stations, the ship drifts away, and when I leave the station, my ship is too far away.
• If I interrupt the reloading process while equipping the Shotgun type weapon, the gun does not load any ammo, and it fires blanks.
• In a side quest where I was told to shoot someone in a village with a sniper rifle, the target did not spawn when I arrived there.
• All the probes are grayed out with different languages in the scanner.
• After arriving at Momo HQ, the same dialogue is repeated in every conversation.
• If I don't exit through the door shown to me after talking to Momo, the mission doesn't update and I can't return to that point again.
• The hack system is not working. (We believe this is a language issue, and we think we have solved it, but just to be safe, we added a suggestion to have Drane do the hacking for the first mission.)
• In the first tutorial mission, if you don't destroy all enemies in the debris, the mission won't progress, and one enemy spawned inside a wall, so I cannot hit it, and the mission won't progress.
• The station has a fast travel system that only works if you approach it for the first time. If you don't use it, it stops working.
• If I load a missile launcher with 10 slots. The visible missiles on the ship are pointing downwards and when I launch, the rocket launches downwards instead of forward.
• In Lion station, after talking to Alaysia, she won't give me the Molyax mission she was supposed to give me
• In some dungeon levels, the AI is not moving at all.
• Ship markets in Falron stations are not updating according to the level.
• During a boss battle in a dungeon, the boss character gets stuck in a corner of the map and cannot be defeated.
•When I touch down on a surface with my landing gear retracted, if I deploy the landing gear at that moment, it launches my ship into the air.
• If I press the 1-2-3 keys to pick up a weapon right after ejecting the character from the ship, the jetpack doesn't work and the character falls down.
• When I load the game that I saved inside Cave HQ, it teleports me to a location outside the cave.
• If you crash into a tree or an obstacle while riding a hoverbike at high speed, the game crashes.
• The mission to collect 20 Earthlings succeeded with only 6 Earthlings, but the main mission does not progress because I cannot collect 20 people.
• The game's audio is cutting out intermittently. The sound effects and music are not playing consistently,
• The Head Quarter indicator is not visible when I'm in orbit of the Etox planet.
• If I summon my ship while my character is falling on a planet's surface, the ship goes to a location outside the map.
• In Ka-Run last fight, if I save the game in the last stage and reload that save, that mission starts at the beginning.
• Sometimes when I use the "loot all" feature, it seems like all the loot has gone into my cargo, but when I check my cargo, I cannot find those items.
• After transferring an item in the Ship Item Transfer interface, if I exit the game without saving, the items are lost.
•The game freezes and crashes when I try to save my progress at a boss leven in a dungeon
• In the raid meeting, I cannot decide on the Prisoner Policies if I'm playing in a different language.
• My missile launcher will not stay loaded rockets are resetting everytime I loaded the game
• While in pursuit with the Hoverbike, if I take the person I am carrying to my ship instead of where they want to go, and I board my ship, the mission gets locked. Even if I call for the Hoverbike again, it does not fix the issue.
• When I scan a system and find a point, if I leave that system and re-enter, the point I found disappears. I have to find it again.
• According to the mission I received on a planet's surface, I need to free someone from a cage. However, even though I interact with all the cages in the enemy camp I went to, the mission does not complete.
Changed files in this update