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Swords and Sandals Immortals update for 24 February 2023

V 0.9.4 - New skills for archery fans! (Plus balancing and bugfixing)

Share · View all patches · Build 10633145 · Last edited 24 February 2023 – 21:32:12 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey gladiators, once again sorry for the fickle nature of the multiplayer servers. Still working through issues with it, so sometimes it's online, sometimes not, and sometimes you have to make new gladiators. Getting there though!

This patch is for all those gladiators who asked for special skills for their archery build. Here are 6 new skills to help you in battle - they may need a little tweaking as I'm not sure if they are overpowered, underpowered etc. I'll work on this over the next week.

Please note - you should really update your build to this one or multiplayer will have real issues, some gladiators having the new skills, others not etc.

Cheers, Oli

V 0.9.4.A (Feb 25 2023)

• Six new archery skills for ranged based characters. These may need some balancing, so I'll monitor them.

  • Hamstring - Shoot your enemy for damage, knock back and slow them down. (requires bow)
  • True Shot - High accuracy shot that does damage to your enemy and reduces their attack.
  • Suppressive Fire - A defensive arrow shot that does %s damage and decreases enemy defence. (requires bow).
  • Dazing Shot - Forceful shot that damages your enemy for damage and leaves them stunned. (requires bow)
  • Eagle Talon - Powerful ranged attack that will destroy at least one piece of your enemy's armour. (requires bow).
  • Heart Pierce - Devastating ranged attack that bypasses armour for %s damage and causes instant fear. (requires bow)

• Changed some skill selections for bosses to adapt for new archer based skills
• Improved some dungeon boss skill selections
• Frost/Fire/Necromancy/Poison/Lightinng Protection Resistance talents increased to 12% per point.

• Parry / Shield Block / Dodge icons now all appear as 'Defend' during battle to cut down on confusion as they are all essentially just 'your defence'. Previously they would show different text depending on if you had a shield, were fired upon by an arrow etc
• Slightly improved enemy ranged AI

• Daily bot fight allowances increased to 12 per day ( your gladiator may need to wait for the next 'real day' for this to kick in )
• Canned chat in Multiplayer to phrases only (potential security vulnerability + moderation issue)
• You can no longer fight gladiators on different game versions as you

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