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Defend Earth: Xenos Survivors update for 24 February 2023

Update 0.6.1 | Research Facility

Share · View all patches · Build 10631630 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Welcome Agents!

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest update that brings new and exciting features to the game. We have been working tirelessly to bring you a better gaming experience, and we believe this update will not disappoint.

New Features

Research Facility

The Research Facility is the most significant feature we've implemented in this update. You can now get assignments in order to unlock new Weapons, Modules, and powerful Augmentations. The Research Facility provides a new way to play the game, allowing you to explore and experiment with different weapons and modules, and unlock new possibilities.


Razorblade Torque

The Razorblade is a highly advanced weapon that is equipped with two unique augmentations. The first augmentation, the Razorblade Torque, is designed to increase the velocity of the weapon's blades. By doing so, this augmentation allows the Razorblade to cut through alien hordes with incredible ease, making it a highly effective weapon for defending against extraterrestrial threats.

Razorblade Globe

The second augmentation, the Razorblade Globe, is equally impressive. This augmentation is specifically designed to increase the size of the blades on the Razorblade. By doing so, the blades become almost impossible to miss, making the weapon highly accurate and deadly in combat situations.

Gatling Gun "Rapidfire" & "Impact"

During boss fights, having the right augmentations for your weapons can make all the difference. The "Rapidfire" and "Impact" augmentations for the Gatling Gun are two such examples. While the Gatling Gun is already a formidable weapon, the "Rapidfire" augmentation takes it to a whole new level by allowing it to fire continuously without a cooldown period. This means that you can unleash an unrelenting barrage of bullets on your target, dealing massive damage in a short amount of time. On the other hand, the "Impact" augmentation adds splash damage to the Gatling Gun's shots, making it even more effective against groups of enemies or larger targets. With these two augmentations equipped, you'll be well-prepared for any boss fight that comes your way.

New Agent Neo, the Artillery

We are thrilled to introduce our newest agent, Neo, the Artillery. With his powerful Missile Rain, he can take down hordes of aliens with ease. We are excited to see how you will use him in your runs.


We have added 25 new achievements to the game, giving players even more goals to strive for.

Balancing and Improvements

We have also made many changes to balancing, ensuring that the game is fair and challenging. The improvements we've made will make the game more enjoyable, and you'll appreciate the quality-of-life improvements that will make playing the game easier and more seamless.

We are excited about this update and can't wait for you to experience it yourself. We value your feedback, and we are committed to providing you with a better gaming experience. We hope you enjoy this update as much as we enjoyed creating it.

Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more information on the upcoming update which will include new content for the game.

DEFCON: Xenos Team



    Added Research Facility menu, where you can unlock weapons & more via assignments
    Added powerful augmentations for Razor Blade, Gatling Gun & Velocity module
    Added new agent Neo, the Artillery
    Added Loading Screen
    Added 25 new achievements
    Added Weapon/Module Panel ingame 


    Added gear unlock progression (some previous gear items are now locked on default)
    Updated VFX for Missile Rain
    Updated VFX for Laser Orb
    Updated VFX for Plasma Cannon
    Changed class name for Magnus from Specialist to Gunfighter
    Increased damage for Demolitionist boss  
*    Adjusted draft button transparency


    Fixed missing collider in levels
    Corrected some descriptions for weapons and game modes

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