A couple of fixes and updates....
Fixed the slightly amusing bug where turning off the Map on the Threat Display also removed the in game terrain from view!
Ocean colour now respects the correct sun/moon light so it no longer looks like it is glowing at night.
Adjusted the foam effects slightly.
Improved the origin shifting system so that it can handle the huge number of tree colliders without creating a small "hiccup" pause in the game. This is actually a really important development as shifting this many objects in a single go has always been problematic in Unity but I think I now have a working solution for it. ːsteamhappyː
Next week I will be finalising the tree generation system by adding in some tree variations. I will also be looking at whether the system can be expanded to include other terrain details such as bushes and rocks etc without reducing FPS too much or, at the very least, being a toggleable visual option.
I shall also start adding in the mission markers so the mission generators will know where to place things. Hopefully this won't take as long as the Lush Desert as there will simply be less suitable flat areas available due to the terrain topology.
Once this is done I think it will be time for a physics simulation pass as there are a number of things I'm not happy with in terms of the helicopter's flight models.
I'm very pleased with the progress that I'm making on the game and, hopefully, so are you ːsteamhappyː
Changed depots in norwayterrain branch