Here we are at the second update after the official release of Gummy Dummy Battles!
I noticed from online videos that the following defenses were not working properly against larger units; as a result, some parameters have been adjusted and these are now doing their "dirty work":
Poo -
The Giraffe has undergone changes regarding some of its "sensors" because it was jumping for no reason ... it was happy to be a giraffe :D
I've "smoothed" the colliders on the Kick scooter, so it jams less against objects.
I changed the balloon's inertia and center of gravity.
Fundamental change: in the Main Menu, I replaced a mine with a poo; now it's much more in line with the style of the game! :D
I hope you're enjoying the game and, above all, it makes you smile!
If you want to support the game, the best way is to write a review to allow the Steam algorithm to suggest it more often to new players.
Thanks for your attention, I love you all!
Changed files in this update