Hello Wardens, here is our final update to Prison Architect - The Sunset Update.
This one’s for you.
It’s been a real joy and honor here at Paradox Interactive and Double Eleven to work on this game for you. It’s been just over a decade since Introversion first put out an Alpha build of Prison Architect and the game has come so far since then. While we’re closing this chapter, the book is certainly not yet finished.
We’ll see you around.
QoL Improvements / Features:
- Capacitor 2.0: I introduce to you, the Capacitor Max Plus - an upgraded version of the capacitor which allows your Power Stations to now produce twice the amount of power than they did before - for twice the price of course.
- Remote Doors: We have added a coloured variant of the remote doors for both Death Row and Supermax security levels.
- Riot Van Speed: Due to the efficiency of air-bound emergency units we have increased the movement speed of the Riot Guard Vans, to lower their arrival time.
- Super Dog Mutator: Due to our undeniable fondness of them, we’ve added a new mutator based on the Super Guard mutator which will help give our furry friends and upgrade.
- Updated Descriptions: After sweeping through the game we decided to update or add a number of new text strings. As such we’ve updated text for Item description, Staff descriptions, and also Need Descriptions.
With this update we have focused on improving the player experience as much as possible.
We thank you all for playing Prison Architect.
Full Changelog:
All Platforms:
- Unconscious Dogs can now be loaded into a crate and heal to be reunited with their handler.
- Dog Handlers can now pet their dogs in the kennel
- Premade Map “Green Power Plant: Going Green”
- A missing tile has been found
- Rooms are no longer missing their radiators and hot water pipes
- Door orientation fixed
- Removed incorrect link to the yard from the canteen
- Premade Map “The Working Fields: Growing Green”
- All metal barrels have been removed.
- Removed incorrect cage gate
- Added a missing hedge wall
- Cooking Ingredients are no longer being misdirected to the Bakery
- Pantries are no longer required to be indoors.
- Objects in the water will now be removed from where the island would like to be.
- Jobs no longer created when placing different kinds of water on shallow water
- Four new male inmate heads
- Making quick islands now checks the current water type and matches it for the new water.
- It is now obvious which side of the projector is the front.
- Medical beds will now unload after extended infirmary time.
- Placing foundation will only remove outdoor plans e.g. fences
- You can no longer delete a wall and leave the paper lantern.
- Guards now stand in the center when using a tracking monitor. Much better for their necks.
- One hit killing victims now appear on the Summary Screen.
- Female prisoners with babies now have the ability to gain rep points in escape mode.
- It is no longer possible to hire staff off the edge of the map.
- You can no longer overlap prefabs over the grove or outdoor lake.
- Info about Crop Distribution in Logistics Menu now shows properly in all languages.
- Green Energy Goal 7 - reduced penalty from weather effects - now works properly on solar panels.
- Export Meters have had their connections cleaned up.
- Solar Panel Development Program no longer has an unnecessary tag.
- Recycling Bins are now properly recommended
- Saving the game a Workman carries a wilted crop will no longer magically make said crop start growing in that location.
- Dead bodies now lay properly on the morgue slabs
- Delinquents have been properly cached on where to spawn and now stay together.
- Backup generators no longer demand electricity when connected to electricity
- Armed Guards hired and Dog Handlers hired text now fits the box in every language.
- Lefthandpos is only set for two handed items so use righthandpos like any other one handed item
- The color of the uniforms in the game is now saved correctly
- Yellow lined tiles now have correct orientation when cloned.
- Glass walls will now display more nicely
- Workers are no longer trapped when removing rubble from under a jail door.
- Fixed issue with guard rank ui not updating correctly when rank is changed.
- Guards will now return trays to the canteen.
- Undead have had their heads reattached properly
- Robot Dogs now sniff like robot dogs, not biological dogs
- Added Orderly toolbar sprite to the sprite replacer
- Inmates no longer attempt to eat backwards at tables
- Custom shakedowns no longer include no access zones.
- Inmates no longer use visitor only zones
- Stun baton no longer flashes when it shouldn’t
- Oak benches have now been given permission to seat three
- Tracking menu will no longer show the dead
- Campaign
- Firemen no longer evade fire danger and walk funny
- Firemen can now extinguish fire on walls/blocked cells
- Fixed issue in Chapter 3 with Armed Guard patrols
- Inmates using camp beds and netted camp beds are once more permitted to receive birthday presents
- Road no longer blocks staff hire placement.
- Crops will no longer show a red outline when you are attempting to plant on valid spots with objects in planting radius.
- Doors have learned not to appear on top of turbines.
- Fixed so that you cannot spawn multiple doors when changing ui
- Ferry docks will not render as overlapped
- Issue with air plumber hoses and helipad stairs fixed.
- You can now see a yellow line follow the trajectory of the taser
- Bounty Hunters have now been given maps as well as lessons on how to hunt the undead.
- Workers are no longer trapped when removing rubble from under a jail door.
- Tracking belted inmates go to the infirmary first when overdosing
- Door timer now corrected
- Updated new regime items
- Paper lanterns can now be dismantled/dumped
- Removed unwanted pixels for hybrid wind turbines
- Fruit Trees now correctly sync between host and players
- Drip pipes and sprinklers now properly work for players
- “Expires In” for players now matches the host
- Auto harvesters now properly work for players
- Prisoners without cells added to data register so player gets value on connecting to the host
- Tracking monitors will no longer constantly show a false error for players.
- Planning area rendering is not updating if change from walls (with foundation) planning to fence planning
Escape Mode (PC/MAC):
- All items now realize they must make noise when damaged.
- Prisoners no longer stay in a tunnel if attacked by guards outside of the tunnel
- [Console] Inmates can now move after doing a rough sleep in solitary.
Warden Mode (PC/MAC):
- Bottom Right Menu Buttons will now only show notifications at the proper time.
- Dead guards can no longer serve as bodyguards.
Changed files in this update