- Functional Astral Fragment wall
- Ability reward for completing all Astral Gates
- Added 5 Astral Gates to Undergrounds
- Added 5 Astral Gates to Frozen Depths
- Added 3 Astral Gates to Mossy Ruins
- New Relic : Fast Charge
- New Charging FX and SFX
- Added a Spark Ball Parry synergy
- Added a Minor Statue to Mechanical Fort
- Added a Minor Statue to the Frozen Depths
- Remaster of all tracks (more tweaks comings)
- Remade the room you get Spin Bounce in
- Increased Ice acceleration
- Fixed the Boss HP bars appearing on Nightmare
- Made it so the Undergrounds spike balls will reset your position
- Fixed the Meteor Bounce pads glowing weirdly
- Fixed an effect staying on screen after saving
- Fixed some bugs with the Ice Block emblem
- Removed the Spike Meter
- Fixed the no Spin old UI
- Fixed so Silenced/No Dash/No Spin UI elements will always be on top
- Added the No Spin restriction in one of the Acid Dungeon rooms which has a Mindshroom
- Removed the post-boss dialogues (I did not like them)
- Fixed some dialogues
- Fixed a bug where you could do two Great Slashes
- Fixed the room before Spin Bounce was wrong on the map
- Made it so the Save background will dissapear when you teleport
- Fixed so the last boss dialogue won't play every time
- Fixed the Astral Fragment counter being stuck on 36
- New Astral Fragment icon
- Might have fixed a weird interaction with the Meteor Bounce pads and sword
- Fixed some enemy attacks spawning particles when the game is Paused
Changed files in this update