The changes in this build are as follows.
- Added rewind function to the ship select screen.
- Expanded the function of the practice mode.
- Added shield at the start of some stages in mission mode.
- Added a function to return to the mission selection screen from the pause menu during the mission mode.
- Added a skip function at mission clear.
- Added a function to restart in Extra Mode.
- Relaxed the correction rate of the counter gauge increase speed.
- Added a new skill to TYPE-6.
- Increased the attack power of TYPE-8 and increased the amount of stars in break mode.
- Changed the behavior of bits equipped by TYPE-9.
- Fixed an issue with TYPE-C and increased the amount of stars in break mode3.
- Increased the recovery speed of TYPE-E's manual shield.
- Changed so that all ships can unlock Another monde, and the performance after applying Another mode will be displayed on the select screen of the ships.
- Weakened the barrier used by the last boss.
- Increased the type of ships that can be used in Pacifist mode (TYPE-5, TYPE-6, and TYPE-A cannot be used because they interfere with the mode system)
- Fixed an issue in the processing of damage to the enemy.
- Enhanced Laser Maiden 2's overall attack, reduced difficulty increase speed.
- Fixed an issue in which sound effects become louder under certain conditions when acquiring and extending items.
- Changed transparency of HUD lower side (only when HUD position setting is TYPE-1)
- Updated some graphics.
- Increased remaining ship bonus, secret bonus, and time bonus for destroying bosses.
- Fixed an issue that caused sudden death or shield destruction under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with the item acquisition event in the final stage.
- Fixed unintended behavior of the boss on side 2-B.
Changed files in this update