Hello Whoopers!
Version 2.1.1 is now live and here is a summary of what it contains. As always we encourage you to leave feedback, bug reports and features you would like to see in the game. We read all of your comments and try to answer accordingly!
- You can now manually delete old save files!
- Verified on Steam Deck!
- Changed the font family of the Chinese, as well as making a bit larger and easier to read.
- Slightly improved overall performance in the overworld.
- The main menu now opens quicker when having large save files.
- Increased the saturation in Stonedale and Overworld to make it a bit more colorful.
- Some buildings was not being lit correctly when viewed from far distances in the overworld.
- Fixed a bug where the jumping count in achievements was not triggering properly.
- Kenny No-Balls' Top Hat could despawn too early, making it impossible to loot.
- The Deal-With-It Glasses could be looted from regular Golden Chests in the game. These should now only be lootable in the end of the "Gilded Flying Challenges" (golden pipes in gilded ruins).
- Some enemy encounters could not be defeated in the "Gilded Flying Challenges" - making it impossible to get 100% on these levels.
- Moveable objects could accidentally be dropped though the world when picked up and placed down.
- The Dark And Spooky Forest could not get 100% due to some encounters was not spawning correctly.
- Players could get stuck outside bounds in the "Speedrunners Delight" area in the Damp Skeleton Cave.
- The IRS Guy could interrupt on-going cutscenes (like speaking to Goddess Cling for example).
- Sometimes Ms. Wyvern would not spawn in the final boss battle.
- Some rocks contained "holes" in them in The Dark And Spooky Forest.
That's all folks!
Atomic Elbow
Changed files in this update