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Dino V. Xeno - Tower Defense update for 24 February 2023

Dino V. Xeno is out! (Potential slow game launch time being addressed)

Share · View all patches · Build 10626949 · Last edited 24 February 2023 – 06:26:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Edit: After much research, the loading time may be caused by Windows Defender and Electron having a spat with each other. I have submitted the game to Microsoft so that it is added to the exclusion list of Windows Defender in its next update. D'oh.

Dino V. Xeno is out! A simple but thrilling tower defense game.

There's an issue with an unusually long loading time that wasn't present in the build two days ago, and I'm not sure if this has to do with the Steam release logistics, or something else. I'm currently rebuilding the game and patching it to iron out whatever may be causing this.

There is also a small issue with the taskbar icon appearing partially blacked out. Will work to fix this ASAP.

Windows Depot 2255981
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