-pressing Alt+F4 will now exit in the game in most cases. If you find a case where it should be working and its not, let me know.
-Added the controls menu back to the pause menu alongside the game settings.
-removed the "check for controllers" from the game settings menu as it was depreciated
-changed the OK button to APPLY in the game settings menu
-you can now use escape or backspace to exit out the world map menus even if you joined with another controller type
-Fixed a bug where going to the map browser (such as choosing a map to host for multiplayer) and then going back would cause the keyboard to stop controlling the mouse.
-You can now override controller inputs in-game using the default keyboard controls, and icons should change accordingly. Should at least prevent people from getting stuck if their controller disconnects, although I would recommend exiting back to the menu and rejoining with the keyboard if that happens.
-Fixed a crash when trying to select sector 2 in world 3 due to lack of a background. Will just show a black background for now instead of crashing.
Changed files in this update