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Rise & Fall update for 23 February 2023

[TEST BRANCH] UI Improvements

Share · View all patches · Build 10624718 · Last edited 24 February 2023 – 00:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.


-The home screen looks more finished, and in-process features (like Online and the Shop) are temporarily hidden.

-Font changes! We're using some new fonts and have an improved UI style that is consistent across all menus.

-Player Settings has been given some more polish
-Match Settings is easier to navigate and has been re-done in our new style.
-Map Select has also been given a more finished look.
-Pause Menu and Victory screens also have new looks that match the new UI style.
-The Load Screen between matches has been updated in the new style as well, and fits it's more universal purpose better.


-The Large size accidentally was given the swing distance of the medium size in an update, making playing the large size feel off. That's been corrected.


-AI won't try to change sizes when the game is paused anymore.

Expect this build to get out to main branch (and to all players) after we make a few more small tweaks.

Changed depots in dave-test branch

View more data in app history for build 10624718
Rise and Fall: Base Game Depot 1332841
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