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Fabled Lands update for 23 February 2023

Version 1.1.2 is live!

Share · View all patches · Build 10622832 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 13:06:48 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

The Steam front page feautiring of Fabled Lands was a big success! 5000 units were sold over the last couple of days which is a record all time high! It helped the game to reach 25000 all time units sold. This has revitalized the gamebook cult classic for the modern days where Dave Morris and Jamie Thomson's monumental work deserves to be!

Looking forward to deliver the next chapters of this amazing world.

Living the dream as a full time indie game dev! I am excited for what's to come but one thing is for sure, leaving a full time job behind, taking control over your profession and turning it into something you consider a craft, is quite, quite tough but also so very liberating.

A huge thank you!

It took me some extra days with the first patch after the release because I was sick, but now I feel much better and was happy to sit behind "the wheel" again so to speak.

I decided to do something experimental this time around. People have complained about blurry fonts here and there so I have enabled to use the option of the much bigger UI for Steam Deck for desktop as well. Let me know if any issues arise from that! Oh, and don't turn off your cursor if you are on a PC, I'll tackle that option asap :D

Incremented version to 1.1.2

  • Implemented a toggle option in Settings for players to utilize Large UI (experimental).
  • Toggle cursor on/off for Steam deck is now visible on desktops (pending additional work).
  • Buffed Warrior Maid enemy. Increased Chance to Block to 50%, Damage from 4-8 to 6-8.
  • Fixed Stairway to Heaven achievement not unlocking, broken with patch 1.1.0n
  • Fixed Tsuchigumo spider having negative Stamina when using Crimson Arrow on it.
  • Fixed text when you didn't give your weapon to the Warrior Maid to not state it's later thrown in the water.
  • Fixed meta text left-over from the books when you are faceless.
  • Fixed changing profession in an Akatsurai shrine not changing your model immediately.
  • Fixed text options not altering story text size and line spacing.
  • Fixed camera not accepting input when mouse is over disabled map locations.
  • Fixed camera sometimes detecting input touch drivers on desktop devices causing it to disable Pan and Zoom.
Windows Fabled Lands Content Depot 1299621
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macOS Fabled Lands OS X Depot 1299622
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Windows Steam Deck Depot 1299623
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