Hello Moonshiners!
The Sandbox mode is finally in the game. Launch Moonshine Inc. and get your hands on the real fun!
If you have wishlisted our game and waited for it to get the Sandbox, it is now your time to do so!
Last weekend some of you tested the sandbox on the beta branch - we would like to say thank you to everyone who participated in the beta tests and especially to those who gave us the most valuable feedback. You are the best!
Your beta saves of the Sandbox may or may not work - if they don't, we apologize and hope you'll make up your beta progress quickly ːsteamhappyː.
During the short time between the beta and today, the previously promised patch 1.0.7 release day, we had a short time to refer to all your suggestions. Some of them were fantastic and we will consider working on them shortly. For now, we come to you with the Sandbox mode and several fixes identified by you and our QA team.
Patch notes:
New features:
- Sandbox mode
-added missing translations
-fixed the issue causing the tooltip with nonexistent delivery to appear when saved and loaded the game at the end of the delivery
-fixed the issue preventing buying gas from the shop
-fixed the issue of changing game language when skipping to click "Apply"
-fixed the issue with workers being stuck during the ingredients pressing animation after loading the game
-fixed the disappearing batches after having more than 70
-fixed the Rectified Spirit having a flavor profile
-changed the missions’ descriptions to match the reward the player receives after completing them
-improved the game performance in the Batch Creation screen when the player has all of the recipes unlocked
Please note that the achievements are off in the Sandbox. We hope you'll still like to jump back into the campaign!
Changed files in this update