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Sweet Surrender update for 23 February 2023

Update 9: Long-Term Progression Update

Share · View all patches · Build 10620943 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone,

we're excited to release our Long-Term Progression Update where our focus was on giving you, the players, more long term motivation. We wanted to include a way to reward you for playing the game regularly.

In this update we introduce:

  • Upgrades to the new Vending Station: invest the gears you can find in each level and unlock more vending machines, better loot and even discounts at later levels
  • Improvements to the tutorial to make it easier for new players to start with the game
  • Adjustments to the early-game balancing in the mines so that new players have it an easier difficulty ramp

Vending Station

You all know the vending machines at the end of a level. Well, now you can make them even better by investing the gears you can collect during a run. Spend gears to unlock new levels for the vending station. With this, you can unlock more vending stations, better loot, discounts, items for free and you can also unlock the option to reroll the items available to buy.

Tutorial improvements

We added visual indicators to many parts of the tutorial so that it’s easier for new players to follow it. Gears and Vending Machines are now explained in more detail.

Quality of Life

But that's not everything we worked on. We continuously improve the game and do our best to fix any issues reported by the community. Aside from dozens of smaller improvements, we focused on the following topics:

  • The amount of enemies that spawned in the first two levels of the mines was a bit irregular, it should be more consistent and easier for new players.
  • We also fixed an issue where some players became invincible when they died because of the acid in the sewers.
  • The chips on the left arm should now display their details properly.
  • We fixed an issue where the Electrostatic Spear didn’t scale to its normal size when buying it from a vending machine.
  • The leaderboards are now updating properly again. Unfortunately, we had to reset them to make this properly.

Thank You

As we mentioned last time, we regularly run community polls and dev discussions with our Discord community. If you want to participate in future polls (and have a say in Sweet Surrender’s direction), get access to beta builds or just want to talk to us about the game, you can do so by joining our [discord](

We are always happy about everyone who joins and are very thankful for your feedback and support.

You can also check out our public roadmap, where you can get a better look at all the updates we've already released and what we have planned for the future.

As always, thank you for your support!

Salmi Games

Full Patch Notes

  • Upgradeable vending station
  • Unlock more vending machines
  • Unlock the option to reroll all vending machines
  • Unlock shop discounts for all future runs
  • Update to the tutorial to make it easier to understand for new players
  • Adjusted the amount of enemies at the beginning of the mines for a better start for new players
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where some players became invincible when they died because of the acid in the sewers
  • Chips on the left arm should now be displayed properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Electrostatic Spear didn’t scale to its normal size when buying it from a vending machine
  • Fixed an issue where enemy robots got stuck in a level and stopped doing anything
  • Players don't accidentally clip into the ground after beating the final boss anymore
  • The console to summon enemies in the homebase isn't flickering anymore, it was also adjusted to fit the height of the player better
  • The last upgrade on the vending station now shows properly what it gives the player
  • Updated the ProTubeVR plugin which caused issues with disconnecting the provolver device
Sweet Surrender VR Depot 638131
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