That’s right! King of the Castle is OUT NOW on Steam. It’s been a long road, and we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve added in this, our biggest update EVER, on launch day! This update includes Dynasty Events, new Laws, new customizations, Twitch Drop exclusive outfits, and more!
The latest update, named “Lomadiah” after the streamer who’s been with us from the very beginning of development, adds a King’s ransom of new content and features. See for yourself:
King of the Castle v1.0 “Lomadiah” includes
A new kind of story - Dynasty Events!
- Now your decisions in one reign can have consequences for the next, creating an ongoing story of an evolving Kingdom!
- Including Scheme reactivity! Did the Chiefs bring about Ragnarok? Did the Barons blow up the Palace? Now your next Monarch will have to deal with the aftermath…
- New inventions, such as the Guillotine, the Printing Press and even the Sandwich, will change the fabric of your Kingdom forever.
New Laws of the Land
- Three new Laws of the Land have been added to the game, adding new ways for Monarchs to subvert the democratic process.
- Royal Gamble - Feeling lucky? Wager a hefty chunk of your Treasury on one choice passing.
- Call for Unity - Gain Stability if your Nobles vote as a majority on one option.
- Stop the Count - Speed up the timer and auto-close the voting, to really galvanize your Nobles.
New customizations!
- For release we’re adding 72 new outfits for the Monarchs and across all Regions!
- Capes, harps, skulls, scepters, giant axes, fancy dresses and more - exclusive for players who purchase King of the Castle!
- A further 25 outfits have been added to the random generation pool for non-premium Nobles.
Twitch Drop exclusives
- A further exclusive 12 outfits have been added, which can be exclusively acquired through Twitch Drops!
- Watch King of the Castle on Twitch to receive drops of special outfits. You can unlock Twitch drops even if you don't open a copy of King of the Castle.
- The first two, released today, are for the Golden Armour outfits for the Monarch! We'll be releasing more in the coming weeks.
New ‘Whims of Wizards’ Event chains
- Discover more about Celest Ath’s most mysterious denizens, the wizards, with our new ‘Whims of Wizards’ content drop!
- Featuring two BUMPER-LENGTH new event chains, ‘New Apprentices’ and ‘Creepy Trees.’
- Find out what happens when wizards’ ambitions clash with the decrees of the Monarch.
Quality of life tweaks
- A new ‘Randomize’ button has been added to the customization screen to allow you to quickly cycle through outfit variations!
- A visual overhaul of ready for launch
- A new UI element has been added so that Monarchs can more easily track their own Ambitions.
- A search bar has been added to the Noble List, so Monarchs of large games can find individual Nobles much more quickly.
- The arrests and executions of Nobles are now displayed in-game.
- Event generation now prioritizes regions that haven’t had events in game yet, ensuring a more even spread of stories across all regions in-game.
- Voting and Laws of the Land UI has been improved, with active Laws displayed in Votes.
We’ve added the following content to the game:
- A total of 71 new Events - including 23 new solo Events, 2 new Event chains all about WIZARDS, and 5 Dynasty chains.
- New Dynasty Event Chains - The Printing Press, The Guillotine, New Baby, Vanity Project, and The Monk’s Book.
- Scheme Reactivity Events - deal with the aftermaths of Ragnarok, Prophecy, Hornblower, Propaganda, Gunpowder, Fervour, Monopoly and Blood Ritual.
- New Solo Events: Rogue Golem, Deer Park, Thieves’ Guild, Shark Beach, Meteor Strike, The Stone Maiden, Restless Dead, Escaped Experiment, Prison Labour, Swords into Ploughshares, Wreck in Contested Waters, Misdeed Mixup, Fireside Chats, Embarrassment, Arms Shortage, and A Tasty Innovation.
- Monarchs can now marry Oreid, the mysterious captain from Kirth!
The following polish changes and features have been added to the game:
- New NPCs - Brzzkt the Wizard, updated Northern Warrior, updated Foreign Mercenary
- Improvements to how the Regions are described in the Game Setup page
- Chain Events (i.e. Stories that run on from one another) now have a Season break between to allow for better pacing and more non-chain Events to generate
- Building Auctions now take into account Region’s Schemes
- The Options menu can be accessed from the Pause menu in game
- Vsync options for the game (find these in the Options menu)
- Vote and building timers pause when the Pause menu is open
- Map can now zoom when hovering over banners and only zooms when scrolling on screen
- Visual improvements to the map, updating shader and introducing clouds
- New UI animations for items in the Customization screen
- Customizations now move up when there’s no colour options to better see all customizations
- Improved shield visuals in both Customization and in-game
- New background and sizes for the voting screen to improve contrast and readability
- New region specific premium nameplates for premium Nobles
- Improvements to the premium nameplate animations
- Kingdom now has a banner displayed inside of stat changes
- UI animations for stat changes, choices and within voting
- Button styling update for the Overview
- Steam rich presence that displays Monarch name and number of Nobles
- Twitch Extension updated visually and include regnal numbers
- 14 new achievements
- Upping the minimum treasury for starting a new Dynasty Game to 1500
- Updates to and new tutorials throughout the game based on feedback from our players
- A host of balance tweaks to Events and Schemes throughout the game
And we’ve resolved the following bugs:
- Issue with reconnecting to games in have been resolved
- Issues with votes reappearing in have been resolved
- Optimisations for games with 3k+ Nobles to reduce hanging on voting and successor voting screens
- Bugfixes for overlapping region textures, leading to Regions displaying incorrect colours
- Bugfixes for failed customisation loads, leading to ‘blank’ shields
- Fixes for framerate issues
- 100% challenges now correctly sized
- Default challenges fixed, stopping bugs with certain challenge results
- Correct track plays at the end of the game
- Overflow fixes for names in the Continue screen and Noble Join screen
- Join code overflow fixed
- Ordering of Regions in UI fixed
- New mask crown with cowl customisation to stop clipping objects
Wow - that’s a BIG update, and we’d like to thank our wonderful community for making it possible. It’s been a long road to 1.0, and we’re so excited to see the game out there in the world!
Tell your friends! Hit your socials! This is a game that can be played by 4 people or 4000, and we’re relying on YOUR word of mouth to help us build this community to its true potential.
But first… Buy the game, play it with your gaming group, and if you have any feedback - or are looking to get a game going - join the Discord below! May the Ninth’s blessings be with you all!
Changed files in this update