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Nimbus INFINITY update for 23 February 2023

Game system overhaul and a new mission "216 Seconds Before the End of the World"

Share · View all patches · Build 10619772 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi there! It's been a while since we last saw each other. It's been so long since the last public patch that I'm not sure I know how to write patch notes anymore!

Lots has been happening since then. If you check the git log you'll see that, aside from mission 8 which will be released today, mission 9 has been in the works and we're hoping to have it ready for you to play next week.

On top of the new mission, this update vastly improves the experience of playing the game. Everything from game balance, weapon system, and NPC’s A.I. has been greatly improved.

I think the gameplay experience is much closer to the “high-speed mecha action” that we always aim for. Please give older missions a try again! We think you will find them much more enjoyable.

Warspite’s Cyberdrones (or commonly called ‘Funnels’) have been updated with new combat behavior and weapons. We are still uncertain if they need a nerf in the next patch or not, since this type of swarm weapons is one of several things distinguishing Nimbus Frames from general Battle Frames. Still, the sight of funnels converging around the target with energy beams should be a treat for the eyes.

(Warspite’s funnels, for now, are controlled by A.I. not by pilot’s brainwave like Mirai’s funnels so they have different official names.)

On to the highlight of this patch: “216 Seconds Before the End of the World”

Major SPOILER warning for the previous mission in Nimbus INFINITY!

After the fall of Fort Carson, its massive remains threatened to fall onto the Earth through the atmosphere and cause widespread destruction. Taiyo, Luna and Warspite managed to break the debris apart over the Indian Ocean just in time, mitigating a crisis. Still, countless smaller fragments rained down and impacted various major cities around the Mediterranean Sea.

Akatsuki is forced to enter the atmosphere in ISA’s airspace, making the original goal of reaching Washington DC infeasible. The nearest safe territory would be Temasek Orbital Elevator City.

“Temasek might be even safer than Washington DC. We don’t even have to get up into space. Why didn't we take this route in the first place?” Someone in a pilot suit muttered out loud in the quiet of the CIC room.

With the elevator providing energy to all of CFN cities within the Eurasia region, it is certain that the city would be highly protected. The lack of Hydrogen-3 particles would spell doom for flying cities that have yet to descend back down to Earth.

ISA government activates its missile silo in Phuket, Andaman Sea, threatening to launch waves of hypersonic cruise missiles at Temasek Orbital Elevator if the CFN does not respond to their demands: reimburse the damage caused by the falling debris, and hand over the Akatsuki along with all its equipment and crew as war criminals.

This seemingly ineffectual threat is backed by the presence of MERCURE, ISA’s best special force over the Indian Ocean, where the Akatsuki is located.

“They blamed us even though it was MERCURE’s own doing.”
“Yeah. Wasn’t there anyone saying that Temasek is safer than DC?”
“Just forget about it.”

The simple coincidence that Phuket is right between the Indian Ocean and Temasek has Cpt. Mahkmudov thinking of doing something reckless…

The Battle Frame squadron has only 216 seconds to destroy the missile silos and withdraw from the area. Fly level near the water surface to avoid radar detection and anti-air defense, and complete the mission before the MERCURE fleet arrives.

Fail to escape in time, and they will face overwhelming firepower with only 1% chance of survival.

Nimbus INFINITY – Mission 8 “216 Seconds Before the End of the World” now available!

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