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Totally Accurate Battlegrounds update for 23 February 2023

New Anti-cheat!

Share · View all patches · Build 10619376 · Last edited 23 February 2023 – 12:09:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! We just updated the game with a new anti-cheat, hopefully, it works well - otherwise, let us know!

Late last year we were informed that EQU8 would now be exclusive to Splitgate and that they would shut down support for other games in February of 2023. We’ve been working to get an alternative up and running since.

This patch also fixed one of the notorious dupe glitches! Thank you to the community members that helped us crack that one, we really appreciate you. 💗

Patch Notes:
  • Added new anti-cheat
  • Fixed dupe glitch

As we talked about in this post )no devs are actively working on TABG anymore due to the game not being able to support its own costs. We still intend on keeping the servers up and running for as long as possible.

However we have also figured out a way to set up community-run servers!

Initially, we didn’t think this would be possible but in the work with the work we’ve done to change the anti-cheat, we figured out a way to do it.

This means that the more tech-savvy players will have the opportunity to set up their own servers to run TABG, we hope to get it up and running in the next coming weeks. We will keep you posted on when that update will go live!

And as always remember to restart steam and verify the integrity of the game files.

Windows TABG Windows Content Depot 823131
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