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Kinetic: Break All Limits Playtest update for 23 February 2023

Patch Notes 2/22/2023

Share · View all patches · Build 10617190 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:06:47 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Added 6 levels to the adventure mode!
-4 are new, and 2 are old maps that I cleaned up
-1 new level has a hidden shard. Future builds will have many more shards/logs to find!

-Fixed a bug where replays would desync if you got a shard, log, or power during a run.
-Fixed a bug where replays would desync if there were any future predicting enemies in a map.
-Added a feature where the ghost of a run will play right underneath the replay. If you ever see a ghost become desynced from you during a replay, this means the replay has desynced. Please contact me! It will be helpful in finding what causes the desync

-Timer now slides off the top when the UI hides
-Fixed a bug where key display would be formatted incorrectly if key or enemy numbers were in the double digits. Redid the formatting for the key marker entirely and its much cleaner now.
-Centisecond spacing on the timer has been slightly adjusted

-Adventure editor (currently only really for me) fixed up a lot.
-Fixed a bug where clicking "New Map" from within the editor menu would cause a crash.
-Fixed an issue where you could create inverse polygons with water.

-Added a baseline bounce height for the scorpion, rather than causing it to not start a bounce if the velocity was too low. Might tweak this a bit more later.
-Cleaned up the shard and power acquired sequences quite a bit and got the log acquired sequence to the same level.
-Fixed a bug where using the pause menu in freeplay could cause a crash.
-Now correctly hiding the main editor menu (file/etc) when a popup is on screen.

-Fixed a bug where the music in the adventure tutorial would not turn off when going to the map screen
-Fixed a bug where music from adventure maps would not transition if exiting from the post-match score screen rather than the pause menu.

-Options menu has been added to the pause menu in-game!
-Options menu will now only restart the window if resolution or window type are changed.
-Fixed a bug where mouse position when controlled by the controller could end up getting stuck at the edges of the screen
-Shard menu and log menu have been fully cleaned up to accurately display which shards and logs you have collected.
-Fixed a memory leak when exiting the game from the pause menu in a freeplay map
-Fixed a bug where exiting a save file and going to another save file would cause the same sector and level to be selected.

-Removed the "collected shards" field from the save file, because shards line up perfectly with player upgrades and there is already a field for that. Past save files will be invalidated.

-Fixed a memory leak that would occur when using bonus levels.
-Added replay support for bonuses

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