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Bad Hop Baseball update for 23 February 2023

Bad Hop Baseball v1.01 - Launch + 1 // Improvements + Refinements

Share · View all patches · Build 10616534 · Last edited 23 February 2023 – 03:26:26 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Holy Smokes!

I can't quite believe I've gone from zero experience to releasing a game on Steam and now I'm writing patch notes. Cool! Thank you to everyone who has played and offered their feedback thus far.

I definitely recognize that this game is a bare minimum of what it can eventually be. I really wanted to get it out the door and into your hands just to see if anybody even liked the concept. Now that you have shown me that you'd like more Bad Hop, I'm hard at work making plans to take this game to the next level! I'm going to be working every day so join the Discord to keep in touch!

Patch Notes

Now, onto the good stuff! I made some changes in response to feedback I've received:

  • Two Out Danger Cam: With 2 outs and the ball near the bottom of the playfield, the camera zooms in and time slows down. I've added a visual effect to make it clear why the camera has moved in.
  • Pinch Hit Refinement: I refined the handling of the text on the pinch hit buttons. Now, when you use your last Pinch Hitter, the text on the button will disappear (previously, it stayed stuck on "Click to Confirm")
  • Bouncing Ping Sounds Refinement: Overall, the sound of the pings from the ball bouncing is lower by default (NOTE: also you can tweak many SFX volumes independently from each other in the options)
  • Main Menu: Bouncing Ping Sounds removed from main menu.
  • Tutorial: Fixed a spelling error in the tutorial.

Lots more to come! I'll be working on adding to this game ASAP. And I made it completely from scratch in under two months. So imagine what I can do in two more months! Stay tuned and thanks so much for playing!

-Dectron Dan

Windows 64-bitEnglish Depot 2285431
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