Hail to you Champions,
New Features
- New Map - Mountain Hall!
Welcome to the Mountain Hall, where the Petram are made from molten stone. This is a map with twice the enemy spawns so either gear up or grab a friend to beat this level in multiplayer
The Mountain Hall - Double tracks in action
- First map released with TWO enemy spawns
More maps will come with up to 4x the enemy streams for more multiplayer fun (or a real single player challenge) What environments would you like to see?
- HUGE performance boost for calculating a lot of enemies/projectiles on screen, should run smoother now!
We're hard at work on two big updates to how Cliff & Field works:
- We want to make a mode where you build your own path by placing down walls & towers (more like the classic WC3 TDs)
- We want to turn it more into a roguelike TD where every run is unique and has a combination of skill and luck to it
More on these two updates soon!
Happy stone hunting!
Max & Gideon
Changed files in this update