Introducing Cleo Caliber!!!!
- An obsessively efficient guitarist who melts down spell cards into single powerful strikes. Cleo uses Overkill when she takes down a demon to redirect any extra damage to a random second target to make sure she never has to waste a single point of damage!
- All Stances now cost 0 Energy and Exhaust to help you carry more stances while still keeping your hand clean in a fight.
- Chaos Storm - update to start with hitting 1 random enemy at the start of each round instead of 3
- Reverberation - Is now Unstable.
- Protective Ritual - Lasts for 3 turns instead of 1
- Cursed Duo - WIll only repeat a single ally's first spell each turn
- Inoculation - Now only protects Shinobi from debuffs
- Increased Hyde’s unlock requirements from 1000 armor to 2500 armor
Bug Fixes
- Fixed cards not being selectable when resuming the game while an overlay is active
- Fixed incorrect description for Pillar of Healing
- Fixed Demolition’s Dead Man’s Switch not being triggered by Poison or Bombs
- Fixed missing card name for Backbeat
- Fixed Rageaholic Achievement only unlocking if the enemy doesn’t die (edited)
Changed files in this update