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Space Game: Star We There Yet? update for 22 February 2023

Blackjack! Version V21.0

Share · View all patches · Build 10613363 · Last edited 22 February 2023 – 19:06:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hey voyagers! It's been another great week in paradise, checking out new planets and stars. Huge thanks to the hundreds of you that signed up and played this week!

We've tinkered with a huge amount of small things in preparation for opening our doors up to other markets and bringing in fresh meat players for the PVP queues.

Patch Notes: Version 21.0

  • The Elusive Engineer battle is prepped and ready. It'll unlock Thursday at 4PM PST. While this battle is considerably easier than the Grifting Grandma, don't sleep on Jade. Her cloaked ships ability might surprise you! Beating Jade in battle might convince her to fight for you..
  • The gem formula for finishing missions early has been considerably relaxed. Missions that are finishing within 4 minutes can be finished instantly for free. Big thanks to Dehja Voux for lending us her small-scale time machine.
  • We've massively increased the number of clones you'll get from each of the premium 1-6 chests. Hopefully you've been hoarding your gems, because these are the quickest way to unlock lots of crew (and level them up!). You can now also see what's in the box - and it's not a cat - by clicking on the boxes in the store. Go have a peek!
  • Gel rewards have been increased across the board.
  • Dottie's ability text now (correctly) reflects an instant 6 HP "spot heal" to all field drones.
  • Ozie can't be cheesed by suiciding Borb Ross any longer. In fact, all "suicide" or swap abilities against Story mode opponents have been reduced to only do 50 damage or have no effect (Borb Ross, Norton, Hiro, Ms. Mochi).
  • Ozie no longer breaks Dagan's ability. Or rather, Dagan's ability to turn on the shields is no longer impacted by delicious, delicious cookies.
  • More server fixes! Concurrency, race conditions, edge cases, and wormholes have all been removed and/or inserted where appropriate.
  • Double/click/holding/dragging issues have been fixed for players with 3+ mouse buttons and/or macros.
  • Autotap throttling has been increased a bit. AI will take over the world, but not today!

Merge Conflict (dev)

Windows Depot 2294861
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