Improved performance when calling the same event repeatedly
(especially was a performance issue in front of the hologram in Drumer Street on lower performance systems)
Fixed: Unable to load immediately after unlocking extras if we don't exit the menu first (on asynchronous systems)
Fixed: Localized the message informing about Mania difficulty unlock.
Fixed: Ott's colors during the concert.
Fixed: Brok could fall during cutscene near the end according to player position.
Fixed: Player could stay displayed at an angle if grabbed and the ally character interrupts the grab.
Fixed: Graff hovers over the ground in one of the endings.
Fixed: Lives counter was incorrect size if the OS language was China (or another Asia territory)
Fixed: Graff could not jump high enough on the balance plates to reach the top platform unless doing an "uppercut".
Also adjusted Chinese font for names to fit the HUD better.
Updated Ott's parents look during the fair.
Spanish localization fully proofread (thanks to Inspector Arai)
(Rvs 17761)
Changed files in this update