This is a smaller patch bringing some fixes to some of the problems that have been brought to my attention. One of the issues was the HUD for health and such being bad, so I've used new UI elements and changed the layout according to feedback. The HUD also changes colors dynamically to further highlight what your alien is feeling and what feeling your gun wants.
The other larger change in this update is I've added the ability to rebind keys. Further polish is needed visually, but it should be functional.
- Tutorial text made smaller.
- Tutorial pops you into the loadout selection screen before putting you into the main game now.
- Nerfed the charge rifle and generally rebalanced reload times on the guns.
- Colliders added to some key objects that were missing them.
- Options menu should work in game now, not just in the main menu. Gameplay/graphics options still need to be fixed, but rebindable keys and audio settings should work and be accessible everywhere now.
- Reworked UI in various places to be easier to read and more functional.
- Rebindable Keys
- 5 new variations to Slime biome small discs.
- Reworked HUD visually and functionally
Changed files in this update