New additions:
- Dash Mechanic added: Now players can dash when needed.
- Boss Challenge Shrine added: Boss Shrine appears twice during the game. Players now can activate the shrine and call a random miniboss for the extra challenge. Boss Shrine Bosses drop Arcade machine where players can play a minigame for maxed-out skill or extra coins.
- Fixed: Achievement issue where late added achievements were missing
- Fixed: Projectile indicator problem where enemy projectiles were stuck in the air
- Fixed: Elite Boss minimap icon layer issue
- Fixed: Random Skill upgrade bug which caused empty or broken skill in the first game run
- Decreased: Rotosfer rolling attack speed
- Increased: Chest gem drop rate
- Enemy aoe indicators changed
- Knockback effect added to the Explosive Shield
- Knockback effect added to the Arcane Orb
- Graphic and UI improvements
- Upgrade prices updated
Balance changes:
- "Increase Weapon Damage" initial damage increased by 40>50
- "Increase Skill Damage" initial damage increased by 20>40
- "Super Laser" initial damage decreased by 10>2
- "Fire Stomp" cooldown time increased by 10>12
- Exp Boost 10>20
- Max HP lvl2: 10>15 lvl3:10>20
- Speed Up lvl2: 5>10 lvl3: 5>15
- Attack Speed lvl2: 10>15 lvl3:10>20
- Weapon Damage 10>20
- Magnet lvl2: 10>15 lvl3:10>20
- Skill Damage lvl1: 5>10; lvl2: 5>15 lvl3:10>20
- Reduce Cooldowns lvl2: 5>10 lvl3: 5>10
- Lucky 10>25
Changed files in this update