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The Doors of Trithius update for 21 February 2023

v0.4.10 - User Interface

Share · View all patches · Build 10604545 · Last edited 24 June 2023 – 16:41:41 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

This update is all about the user interface. We've revamped hundreds of UI components to give them a sleek and standardized look. Plus, we've added a new 'UI Scaling' option that allows you to increase the size of all UI components, from tooltips to crafting menus.

Save files from v0.4.9 ARE compatible.

UI Scaling

Added a new option to the Graphics settings. This feature allows you to increase the size of all UI components, such as tooltips, dialogue boxes, shops, and crafting menus.

Whether you're playing on a large monitor or a smaller screen, you'll be able to see everything more clearly.

UI Redesign

The user interface has been given a major facelift. We've updated the art and layout for a more consistent look. For example, tooltips, job boards, enchanting menus, and shops have all been redesigned. Take a look at the images below to see the changes for yourself.


Job Board:



Map Events

Map Events (example, Bee Attacks, Squirrel attacks, etc) have been rebalanced to be more fair.

  • Enemies spawned into map events will be further away from the player to give 1-2 turns more before being surrounded.
  • Tweaked the odds at which events will spawn. Harder events, such as Bear attacks are less common in low-danger areas.
  • Added new creature attacks which fit the theme of the biome.
  • Fixed a bug which made rare events happen more often than intended (looking at you Bee Attacks!).
  • Fixed a bug which made most bandit factions never occur.
  • Reduced the volume of the map event sound effect.

Other Changes

  • The inventory weight is now shown in the storage and trade window. This weight updates live as the player adds or removes items from their inventory.
  • Increase the rate travel XP is gained while travelling.
  • Improved performance related to resizing the screen. Instead of redrawing the UI many times over and over while the window is resized, a single redraw occurs at the end.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed shops not buying recently added potions (minor respite, bone broth, living water).
  • Fixed class image not loading and causing error.
  • Fixed unable to add potions to hotbar.
  • Fixed recipes and abilities appearing twice when previewed during level-up skill selection.
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